BABYMETAL girls were interviewed in the latest issue of CD & DL Magazine released on March 14. Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal talk in depth about their upcoming new album "Metal Resistance". The girls shared impressions about the past World Tour 2016, their show at Tokyo Dome, and "Metal Resistance" songs like: "The One", "Tales Of Destinies", "No Rain, No Rainbow", "Amore", "Karate" and more! Full interview translated below.
BABYMETAL about the World Tour and Metal Resistance on CD & DL Magazine

Coming about two years following its debut album, Babymetal’s new album, ‘Metal Resistance’, richly and colorfully expresses the world of ‘Babymetal’ that has now been enhanced with the experiences gained from their World Tours.
Evermore freely expressing a Metal sound that is uniquely Babymetal.
--I was truly surprised upon listening to this new album that the degree of ‘Metal-ness’ has increased even more than the first album. It is an absolutely wonderful album!
Su-Metal: "I think with this album that we have been able to express more freely our unique Babymetal form of Metal. I feel the range of our music has expanded on this album with cool songs as well as some cute ones."
Moametal: "The album has a really rich feel to it. There are songs that even make me laugh when listen to them. The song, ‘META! Taro’ is especially very comfortable to ears with a music that seems familiar to the listener."
-–How about Yuimetal? What are your thoughts?
Yuimetal: "Each song on the album has its own world view impressed into it and I feel that is very interesting. Also, I think when compared with the first album this one has more songs with lyrics that convey a message. Yuimetal tends to put emphasis on the lyrics when she listens to music so I hope that the meaning contained in the lyrics gets conveyed to the listener."

--I see.
Yuimetal: "The lyrics to ‘Sis. Anger’ are pretty scary (laughs). There are many factors in the album that really get me motivated when I listen to it. The songs, ‘Road of Resistance’ and ‘The One’ really tie in to our current state of affairs and I hope that the listener will also be able to make it have relevance to their lives."
--What do you mean when you say it ties in with your situation?
Yuimetal: "The feelings of pioneering a pathless road as in ‘Road of Resistance’ and of everyone coming together as a unified One in ‘The One’. Because we also have desire to make the world into one."
--Following your previous album you have carried out numerous overseas tours, right? How was last year’s World Tour that you kicked off with a performance in Mexico? I myself also made my way to the Mexico, Canada, Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy shows.
Su-Metal: "It was quite tough because of the drastic differences in temperature from country to country but we somehow had enough leeway to enjoy ourselves."
Moametal: "The World tour was quite a task but we are glad we did it-Death! Last year I was able to gain physical strength and stamina and I was so happy I was able to eat some many delicious foods."
-- How about Yuimetal?
Yuimetal: "I did have feelings of apprehension about last year’s World tour but fact that it is the three of us gave me the mental support I needed to be able to overcome any obstacles."
-- Speaking personally, the Bologna, Italy show really stands out in my mind. The Live house atmosphere of the venue was different that your other shows.
Moametal: "That show was particularly a tough one for us but it was just that difficulty that propelled us to do our absolute best."
Su-Metal: "Yes, that is so. When we are invited to a challenge it is at that time that we really get motivated. It was really hot in Italy but that really brought out a flow of adrenaline. We really had a gigantic sense of accomplishment after the conclusion of that show."

--Finishing up these tours has there been a change in how you approach your shows?
Su-Metal: "“Alright! The battle is about to begin. Everyone come along with us!” This is what I always say to myself to build myself up for a performance and that started with this World tour. Even ourselves have no idea what things will be like a year from now and so all we can do is continue to plow ahead. I really love the lyrics in ‘Amore’ of ‘this fate that continues to run on’ as it seems to hit home about the state of affairs we find ourselves in. To myself personally, Live shows are very close to the feeling of going into battle."
-- I see. By the way, do you get a chance to do any sightseeing during the tours?
Moametal: "We saw some pyramids in Mexico. They were at a high elevation but it was really fun for us!"
Su-Metal: "That really exhausted us (Laughs)."
Moametal: "(Laughs) Yes but that increased the value of our experience."
Su-Metal: "Switzerland really sticks in my memory. Because I love cheese and milk. The scenery that reminds one of Heidi of the Alps was really splendid."
Yuimetal: "I personally really love the stars. From our hotel window in Switzerland we could had a very good view of the stars and I would spend a lot of time gazing at them. They were truly beautiful."
--Also, last June at England’s biggest Metal Festival, ‘Download Fes’ you performed jointly with DragonForce on ‘Gimme Choco!’.
Su-Metal: "We were unable to rehearse for that, you know."
Moametal: "We were amazed at just how much ‘Gimme Choco!’ could change. We were looking at each other with surprise in our eyes."
Yuimetal: "I was amazed that just by changing who plays the instruments that it could change that much."
-- I follow you. I would like to touch upon your present work. ‘Karate’ is a song that you performed for the first time last December at Yokohama Arena. The song, along with the choreography, is one that makes a big impact.
Moametal: "‘Karate’ is my favorite song. They say that Karate ‘Begins with a bow and ends with a bow’ (as in bows of mutual respect), right? That is something that I feel is essential for all of us in our lives. I also love the sense of the 3 of us fighting."

Yuimetal: "When we played ‘Road of Resistance’ and ‘Yava!’ with the Kami Band there were instances when the sound and the dance would link up perfectly. Those times feel so wonderful that I feel I could totally give myself up to them and everything would go totally smoothly. These two songs really grant one power."
Su-Metal: "While we haven’t performed at a show yet, my favorite is ‘META! Taro’. It is a song we can all sing together and the choreography is such that it makes one want to mimic the movements. I really look forward to seeing everyone’s reaction to this one. And then there is ‘No Rain, No Rainbow’ a ballad that was quite a task for me to sing 2 years ago but which I am now able to take on, I feel."
-- And there is the progressive metal song, ‘Tales of the Destinies’ which really blows things out of the water.
Su-Metal: "That was really difficult to record. I have no confidence to perform it live. (Laughs) Most likely this one will continue to cause me hardships from here on out."
Moametal: "It is scary thinking of working on the choreography for that song."
-- The final song, ‘The One’ you performed for the first time suspended from a gondola at last December’s Yokohama Arena.
Moametal: "I am surprisingly not afraid of heights so I was not scared at all. Also, I was really moved by the fact that the fans began to sing along with us even though it was the first time to perform it. I thought if I looked down I would cry so I kept my eyes directed upward."
Su-Metal: "I am sure that during the World Tour the fans will want to sing along and I am happy that since it is mostly in English this song fills that need."
Yuimetal: "I want to foster and develop this song in a manner similar with ‘Road of Resistance’. I hope that by the time we perform it at the Tokyo Dome that ‘The One’ will come across almost as a different song from the time we performed it at Yokohama Arena."
-- So this year you have the 2016 World Tour and it concludes with a performance at the Tokyo Dome.
Moametal: "The idea of playing at the Tokyo Dome has still not kicked in. I want to eat lots of delicious food again this year during the ‘World Tour 2016’ (Laughs)."
Su-Metal: "I hope we can show the results of our overseas training when we perform at the Tokyo Dome."
Yuimetal: "During the ‘World Tour 2016’ I hope we will grow and develop into a Babymetal that is matches with the stature of the Tokyo Dome."
Translation thanks to: Thomas Malone.
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Read: Kobametal interviewed on CD & DL Magazine, click here.
Check: Scans of BABYMETAL featured on CD & DL Magazine, click here.
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