BABYMETAL was interviewed on OK Music to talk about the working process and impressions of the new studio album "Metal Resistance" to be released on April 1. The girls share their thoughts about the album, their favorite songs and their anxiety for the upcoming release. Read the full interview translated below.
BABYMETAL: "This album expresses our intention for this year "

The 2nd Album "Metal Resistance" to be released in the world simultaneously is finished! And it has more songs in addition to those shown live with willful work. Continuing with solo and unit songs of the previous work, I had talked with the three girls about this work.
--This is an album released for the first time after two years, have the last two years felt longer?
Su-Metal: "I think it was quite a while for the three, when we did Nippon Budokan two years ago, "e, only that has passed?" it is a very well known felling that won’t disappear in me. So, it's also hard to say if was a short or was long DEATH!!"
Moametal: "It was a while I also think. But, we know we had many busy activities, I think fans who have been waiting for the new album, for the time they had to wait, I hope we could give it back."
Yuimetal: "Before "BABYMETAL" album was released, we were doing a live show two years ago at Nippon Budokan, between last year there was a sense of that. But if you ask me "I wonder when there will be a new album", I was also waiting for the new album as with the audience, we are happy to be able to release it DEATH!!"
--So, please let me know your impression of this album.
Su-Metal: "I think "Metal Resistance" is a new challenge ahead, we also hope you love the songs as the songs from the first (album), we look forward to see the people's reaction DEATH!!"
Moametal: "Had a great time making song after song for BABYMETAL, when the Album "BABYMETAL" came out I didn't know that each song was completed. With the last album is something that symbolizes BABYMETAL, there are songs that you can enjoy with everyone from children to adults, "this is BABYMETAL!". So I also look forward to the songs we made DEATH!!"
Yuimetal: "Until now I thought in Japan would be out first, but heard that this time will be sold at the same time abroad as worldwide release, there are certainly many English lyrics, I think this is to spread BABYMETAL more, it builds in me great excitement. Since our songs contained in this album have stronger feelings, they will continue to showcase in the future, it's good when you give more than the previous album I think."

--By the way, what are the songs that you like more in this album?
Moametal: "Although I love them all, dare to say I love "KARATE" if I have to choose. Su-Metal's nostalgic song "No Rain, No Rainbow" is also very good, I like also the interesting songs of Yuimetal and Moametal, the three of us singing songs, which shows the strong performance we have is really good. KARATE ends with Rei and begins with Rei there is no etiquette. I think these things are really important, we also have in the stored "way of BABYMETAL" which means the full fling of the three."
Yuimetal: "I love "Road Of Resistance" DEATH!! It's not a very new feeling since this has been unveiled at live already, it's my favorite because of various feelings that have been unveiled at the live DEATH!! This song has a very impressive dialogue with the audience, even when was unveiled for first time in London. Also I like the lyrics, and the energy of this song. Also I get tired during live shows and when this song comes at the end I feel like "Let's try a little more harder!".
Su-Metal: ""Meta! Taro" DEATH!! I think this song could be a new challenge that wasn't in the 1st Album. It's a rustic song, usually only I sings, but in this song the three of us sing it. I think the three reached a peaceful feeling increased by the singing. Since a swing is attached, it's also fun to show it off in a live show DEATH!!"
--In this two years, there have been a variety of experiences, in the production of the album, was there a considerably stronger feeling compared to the first album?
Su-Metal: "I became anxious when I was told the album will come out. It's an enjoyable feeling, of course. But with great pressure at first...However "this is our new challenge" as we can began to think that this is our intent of statement, the strong will in this album should advance us to the next step. The first song of this album has been played a number of times in live shows, the second will required more than the first, and it will grow DEATH!! Our songs grow with lives, However "Road Of Resistance", is older than this album (Laughs)."
Yuimetal: "Since the music of the first album made a big impact for me, perhaps is hard to exceed it, this time it was aligned with the music, making me wonder if it'll exceed the first. I also thought about whether it's not to show a new BABYMETAL, we want to be able to draw more new possibilities in our performances, I think we couldn't do it unless we have grown along with the music."
Moametal: "Since BABYMETAL artists create the songs carefully, at the same time when one listens to the song, there are also changes to that song that give shape and make you look ahead and "wait, April is only 4 months ahead isn't it?" (Laughs). There is a big anxiety (Laughs). We also know that the album was decided in the second day at Yokohama Arena, "uh we have to wait for four months!?", I was pretty anxious. But, I think now it was good to finish it safely. But since then, we didn't have a number of songs, I think in the future we will increase them during the live shows. So I think will be nice to get warm along with the audience!"
Interview by: OK Music.
Translation by: Maik Gianino.
Special thanks to: Rene Colorado.
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anonymous-metal (Friday, 25 March 2016 07:51)
"BABYMETAL道" should be tlansrated as "the way of BABYMETAL". (武士道/bushido = the way of the samurai)
"待って! 4月ってあと4カ月だよね?" is like "Wait! (Next) April is only 4 months ahaed, isn't it?"