Accoording to Hear Magazine, BABYMETAL have announced a partnership with Twich, the world's leading social video platform and community for gamers to held a listening part and Q&A on April 4! Details below.
BABYMETAL on Twitch to held a Listening Party and Q&A!

According to Hear Magazine BABYMETAL announced a partnership with Twitch to host a "Metal Resistance" Listening Party and Question & Answers with fans! BABYMETAL will join fans in New York for an intimate listen of their much anticipated sophomore album while taking questions from fans tuning in.
Date: April 4, Monday
Times: 03:00PM (Pacific Time USA) // 06:PM (East Time USA)
New York City, USA: 6:00PM
Brasilia, Brazil: 19:00 / 07:00PM
Mexico City, Mexico: 17:00 / 5:00PM
London, United Kingdom: 23:00 / 11:00PM
Berlin, Germany: 24:00 / 12:AM (Tuesday)
Tokyo Japan: 07:00 / 07:00AM
Sydney, Australia: 08:00 (Morning) / 08:00AM
"Founded in June 2011, Twitch is the world’s leading social video platform and community for gamers. Each month, more than 100 million community members gather to watch and talk about video games with more than 1.7 million broadcasters. Twitch’s live and video on demand platform caters to the entire video game industry, including game developers, publishers, media outlets, events, casual content creators, and the entire esports scene."
-UPDATE, APRIL 4, 2016-
-BABYMETAL talked about Metal Resistance
-Lyrics of Metal Resistance, and positive lyrics of Road Of Resistance
-They are happy to sing THE ONE in English to spread even more their message
-Su-Metal is happy because at Wembley Arena fans sang along with them META! Taro.
-The girls mentioned the bands they woul like to play with, Limp Bizkit, Metallica and Bring Me The Horizon. Also Yui said that she really loves Ariana Grande
-Moametal wants to play in Australia and hug a Koala
-Su-Metal is excited to visit new cities and try new foods
-Moametal plays guitar, but she says that is a secret to know which songs she plays
-Yuimetal loves Road Of Resistance, specially the lyrics
-Su-Metal says that their favorite video game so far is Mario Bros Maker
-Su-Metal says they are very excited to play in USA and invites fans to go to their shows to have a BABYMETAL experience.
-Moametal is very happy to play at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert tomorrow night
Watch the full live stream below couresty of our collaborator, MissingReel!
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alvaro70kd (Monday, 04 April 2016 12:57)
solo quiero hacerle saber a las chicas de babymetal y la kami band, que latinoamerica las espera. la verdad que me gustaria poder conocerlas en persona, pero eso jamas ocurrira. pero bueno, un saludo a la distancia, de un uruguayo, viviendo en argentina. <3 3:)