BABYMETAL master mind Kobametal was interviewed after the show at Wembley Arena. He speaks about how metal and how pop is BABYMETAL, singing lyrics in different languages, being the father of the BABYMETAL girls on Tour and more, read the full interview below including a beatufil video message of the girls!
BABYMETAL producer Kobametal interviewed on The Sun UK

UNIQUE Japanese speed metal popsters, Babymetal, are back with their second album Metal Resistance.. Packing some monstrously heavy riffs, electro beeps ‘n burps and bubblegum vocals, Babymetal have kept their bizarre J-Pop/metal fusion just as freakishly intense as ever on the new record. One year on from SFTW’s first meet at Tokyo’s sold-out 60,000-capacity Saitama Super Arena and, as predicted, they’ve stormed the UK.
From supporting Metallica on the main stage at the Reading & Leeds festival and just last weekend headlining Wembley Arena - the cutely surreal culture clash kids are clearly doing something right under the guidance of their, err... mythical Fox God. I know. I know. But bear with me here... Drop your pre-conceptions for a minute or two and hear it from the fox’s mouth – band guru and masked mastermind behind the bizarre Babymetal business, Koba-Metal.
Q: So how ‘metal’ is Babymetal?
Kobametal: "I’ve been a fan of metal since as far back as I can remember. But for me the metal scene has been shrinking.
Well, maybe not shrinking but not really going anywhere. Kind of in a rut. So taking my love for extreme, heavy music and the Japanese music scene’s love for pop – where it’s still very much the number one genre of music – I created Babymetal in 2010 as an infusion. As a new genre! It’s different from metal in Germany. Different from metal in Scandinavia, South America, and all over the world. It’s all metal but everyone is doing something different. This is a new form of Japanese metal – but what people personally perceive it as is another thing altogether. The metal scene is a universe. There’s the sun, the moon and all the different deities with many branches. And I hope Babymetal will be included in this."
Q: This really isn’t very poppy though, is it?
Kobametal: "In Japan it is! We thought, as Japanese anime culture continues to thrive in the UK and the US, that maybe that would be the best route for Babymetal to follow, to get noticed outside of Japan. But when we turned up finally in the UK it was genuinely shocking how ‘metal’ our audience was! We though that would take ages to achieve but it seemed to happen overnight!"
Q: After selling-out a show in Wembley Area last weekend what’s the next UK goal for Babymetal?
Kobametal: "Our first UK show was at the Sonisphere Festival in 2014. From there we’ve played The Forum and Brixton Academy too, but we didn’t even imagine back then that we would ever be playing Wembley. London feels like our second home now. The Wembley concert was our first arena show outside of Japan – and I think we are the first Japanese band to have ever played there. It was such a success and a huge honour. And with our new album ranking number 7 in the UK mid-week charts we are very excited about the future of Babymetal over here."
Q: You’ve collaborated with speed metal merchants Dragonforce on the new album. Why and how was that?
Kobametal: "We thought of doing something with them when we did our demo for Road To Resistance. We offered them to join us and they accepted! The recording session with them was wonderful and they really kept to their unique style too. They have guested with us on stage at Download Festival and at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards. It’s exciting. We get on very well."
Q: Final song, The One, breaks with Babymetal’s all-Japanese language theme to be sung in English. Can we expect more of this?
Kobametal: "Yes, there may be more opportunites to sing in English. It depends on the song really and if it fits Touring the world doing rock festivals we found that Babymetal overcomes language barriers. But maybe in the future you might hear Babymetal songs not just in English but in Spanish. Or French! The main focus though will always be if it matches with the sound, or not."
Q: Is it tough, working with kids? And how pushy are their parents?
Kobametal: "My kids are the same age as them actually. I know how they’re doing at school and what they got in their exams and things like that. I feel like a father figure to them really, so it’s not difficult. When they’re home they have their real parents but when they’re in Babymetal I become their father."
Q: How big can Babymetal get?
Kobametal: "Only the Fox God knows!"
Interview by: SFTW of The Sun UK.
Notes from Newswire:
-BABYMETAL played at Saitama Super Arena for 20.000 fans, not 60.000
-Correct name of the song is "Road Of Resistance", not "Road To Resistance"
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We thought of accomplishing something with them when we did our demo for Road To Resistance. We offered them to go along with us and they acknowledged! The chronicle session with them was brilliant and they truly kept to their exceptional style as well. They have guested with us in front of an audience at Download Festival and at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards. It's energizing.
Animation Video Production (Wednesday, 18 October 2017 08:03)
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