BABYMETAL was interviewed in New York during their visit to United States to promote "Metal Resistance" and perform at The Late Show with Stephen Cobert. Rolling Stone interviewed the girls to talk about the message behind the first Single of the new Album, "KARATE". Watch and read the full interview below.
BABYMETAL interviewed on Rolling Stone about KARATE

Babymetal's fame surprises even them. The trio, a group of Japanese teens, became a viral sensation in 2014 with their heavily choreographed video for "Gimme Chocolate!!" – a song that showcased their glossy fusion of pop music and heavy metal. Since then, on various international tour dates including a run supporting Lady Gaga, they've met some of their idols (Ariana Grande, Marilyn Manson) and have been bowled over by people's responses.
"In the past two years, we've performed in many different places. We've noticed that even though we sing in Japanese, our fans study Japanese and sing along with us, and that people who like J-pop and people who like metal both enjoy our music just the same.", says Su-Metal.
The group tested its fan base further earlier this month, when it issued a follow-up to its self-titled debut: Metal Resistance. The lead single, "Karate," shows the group's affection for its country's martial arts, and serves a higher, more personal purpose for the young women. "The theme of 'Karate' is about fighting yourself to break down barriers and move forward," Su-metal says.
While Babymetal were in New York -- the group will tour the States this summer with dates in May and July – they told Rolling Stone about the "Karate" video and offered up a suggestion of some inspiring source material: The Karate Kid and YouTube. "Something we thought was really cool was seeing this [YouTube] video of a nine- or 10-year-old girl doing karate, It was so cool. She was much smaller than us, but her moves were huge, and we wanted to do karate just like that," Su-Metal said.
Interview and video courtesy of: Rolling Stone.
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