BABYMETAL stopped to talk with the weekley Magazine from United States "The Aquarian". BABYMETAL is in the front page of the new issue and also was interviewed to talk about "Metal Resistance", Billboard Top Albums chart, Kami Band, The Late Show performance and many more topics. Read the interview transcripted and scans of the issue!
BABYMETAL in the front page & interview on The Aquarian Weekley

BABYMETAL vocalists Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal, an the Kami Band-bassist BOH, guitarist Takayoshi Ohmura, Mikio Fujioka and ISAO, and drummers Yuya Maeta and Hideki Aoyama-make up a one-of-a-kind metal nonet that's quickly taking the world by storm. Said to be founded by the "Fox God", BABYMETAL features three teenage girls who not only create innovative albums in the studio, but put on one hell of a live show as well; a live show filled with singing, dancing, pyrotechnics, crucifixions, and more...
With songs like "Road Of Resistance", "Karate" and "The One", BABYMETAL explored many genres and pushed the envolpe on their sophomore effort, going as far as singing in English on a version of "The One".
Just three days after their historic show in London last month, the band crossed over into American culture when they performed on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Colbert introduced the group to his live audience by saying "I'm not sure what I'm about to see... but I'm pretty excited about it!" The proceeded to perform their smash hit "Gimme Chocolate"- a song that's been played on Youtube more than 50 million times...
We recently caught up with Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal to talk about "Metal Resistance" how the linked up with Herman Li and Sam Totman from Japanese Metal heavyweights Dragonforce, the upcoing World Tour and more.
How are you girls doing today? Gearing up for the World Tour?
Moametal: "After our show at the SSE Arena Wembley, and finishing our PR campain of the new album "Metal Resistance", we are now training and rehearsing for our World Tour."
What's it been like touring and seeing the world at such young ages? Any shows in particular that come to mind?
Su-Metal: "Having given the opportunities of visiting various countries during our World Tour, we are glad to actually see the world, which used to be something that we were only able to watch on TV, and being able to directly connecto with our fans from all over the world.
The most impression show was the show at The SSE Arena Wembley, UK. It was really amazing when our fans from various countries had put out their national flags while we performed "The One - English ver."

The 2016 U.S tour starts in New York City on May 4. What will it be like to come back to the States?
Yuimetal: "We are happy to be able to come back to the States and have our show. The American fans give us direct and real reactions. We're looking forward to see how they would reacto to our new songs from our new album."
Tickets for many shows on this tour sold out in just a few days or so. How does it feel to be selling out venues across the world?
Yuimetal: "We are really glad, because it means that there are many people who are accepting BABYMETAL and waiting for us to come. We hope to deliver what BABYMETAL is at our shows."
What was the recording process like for "Metal Resistance"? Did the process differ from your debut album?
Su-Metal: "The first album was like our business card, but in this new album, we made challenges towards various genres. During the recording sesions, we didn't know how the songs were going to turn out to be like, but after listening to the final work, we realized that it's becoming BABYMETAL-like metal.
Also, it was our first challenge to sing in English. At our shows outside of Japan, the audiences often sing along with us, so we hope it will bring us even more people to sing together and unite us."
Guitarists Herman Li and Sam Totman of Dragonforce are featured on the album as well. How did this come about? Is Dragonforce a band that you guys look up to?
Moametal: "The two guitarists participated because of the Fox God's prophecy. When collaborating on stage with them, they were very kind and we were grful because they are on of the metal bands that we respect."
The album debuted at number 39 on the U.S Billboard 200, the highest rank for a Japanese artist in more than 50 years. What does that feel like?
Yuimetal: "We are happy to have our names liniing up with artists that we respect. This unbelievable record was achieved not only by us but also by all of the pople who have supported us. We really like to thank them all and hope to deliver our thanks to our fans over our tour in the U.S. We'll keep making new challenges that could only be done by us."
What was it like performing last month on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert? Have you played on any other TV show, in Japan or America?
Su-Metal: "We have performed in Japanese TV programs as well, but we heard that The Late Show with Stephen Colbet is a very famous program, so we were very nervous. But after performing, the audience called out for "one more song!" so that was amazing."
With so many musicians performing on one stage-three guitarists, three singers, two drummers and a bassist-do you sometimes find it difficult to all be on the same page for the duration of each and every show?
Moametal: "It's not easy for us to all be on the same page, but in our experience of touring the world with Kami Band, we've been supported by them in different environments and been taught how music is interesting, and have made a strong bond with them. We hope to keep creating and delivering shows that BABYMETAL could only perform with them."
Get your copy of The Aquarian Weekley, click here.
Scans via: Toby Knapp.
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