BABYMETAL's first and biggest supporter from the Metal scene, Marty Friedman was interviewed on Nippon to talk about Japanese music, explain the BABYMETAL project, their music, the support from Heavy Metal artists, the hate from Metal Elitists, singing in English, and the future of the group. Very interesting interview, read the most important parts below.
Bending Metal: Marty Friedman Takes on the Babymetal Invasion

A Chance Musical Meeting
Nippon: You have lived in Japan since 2003, but your interest in Japanese music goes back much further. How did you first come across music like J-Pop and enka (popular ballads)?
Marty Friedman: "I lived in Hawaii when I was a teenager. By my late teens I had been playing guitar for several years and was pretty good, but I wanted to get better. Everyone else was playing jazz and fusion and I didn’t want to go that way. I didn’t have an idea which direction I wanted to take until I heard enka singing. There was a radio station in Honolulu that played Japanese music, although I didn’t know what it was until later. I didn’t understand the lyrics, but I could feel the emotion coming from the vocals. I loved the interpretation of melodies and felt I could make people feel the same emotions if I copied the sound on my guitar. I copied in great detail the kobushi and other ways the enka singers sing.
It was very influential on my playing style. It sounds very exotic to normal rock musicians and fans. Once I figured out how to copy the enka singers I realized that I could incorporate aspects of other types of music as well. It’s hard to trace my influences, and honestly I’m not even sure where I learned some things. But it started with enka singing."
Breaking the Rules
Nippon: When did you first hear about Babymetal?
Marty Friedman: "I first met the group in October 2011, just after they had released their single “Doki Doki Morning.” I thought the music was good, but honestly, I didn’t know if they were going to continue. They were just 10 or 11 and I thought they would give up in six months. They were doing a great job, but they were just normal little girls. I’m glad they did continue, because they have shaken up the whole world of heavy metal and idol music."
Nippon: Was their hybrid of idol music and heavy metal new to you?
Marty Friedman: "I didn’t find it new. I don’t think there has been a project that has been all metal, but if you listen to idol music there is very often a taste of it. Usually idols have one or two songs that are kind of heavy metal. That’s what I like about idol music; it has all kinds of styles. It’s okay to have a very happy pop song, followed by a heavy metal song, and then a dance song. In American music you have to stick to your genre.
Babymetal is a metal concept, and that’s why it is interesting. If you take their singing away and just listen to the music it is very big, violent, and aggressive. It sounds like very typical but very good heavy metal. But when you put three little girls in front of it singing, it’s almost like breaking the law. Serious metal fans loathe it.
This is an important point, though. If there is a love-hate aspect then it gets people talking. Babymetal are doing something that goes against the rules. Metal is not supposed to be about cute little girls singing about chocolate. It’s supposed to be about big, tough guys acting macho and strong. If you break the rules just as a joke then it doesn’t last. The reason Babymetal keep going and have made so many fans is because it’s done so well. People can’t ignore it. They have to look because it’s so much fun. Heavy metal is very old and boring, and a lot of people are sick of it. Now something completely renegade and fresh is bringing interest back."

Nippon: How do other heavy metal artists view the group?
Marty Friedman: "I think heavy metal musicians, especially successful artists, think Babymetal are the most fun ever. They like them more than the fans. The more well-known musicians see them as just another new member of the heavy metal family and want to protect them."
Nippon: What aspects of Japanese music does Babymetal bring to their heavy metal sound?
Marty Friedman: "A big part of Babymetal’s music is ainote. There isn’t an English word for it, but it’s something like call and response. It is typical of Japanese music, and particularly idol songs are written with it in mind. It gives people a chance to participate in the song and often the chorus, backup parts, and counterpoints are just as important as the lead vocals. You find it in folk songs and all the old pop songs have it. Ainote is very Japanese, and when it’s put into heavy metal you get something that has never been done before. It allows people to enjoy a J-Pop feel, but it’s still loud and very powerful."
A Breath of Fresh Air
Nippon: There is one track in English on the new album Metal Resistance. Do you feel the group should keep moving in this direction to appeal to overseas fans?
Marty Friedman: "Having one song in English is good, but if they do too many then it will get boring and become a joke. I think when Japanese singers try to sing in English to appeal to American audiences it doesn’t work. In my opinion it lessens their individuality. Babymetal singing in Japanese adds to the interest and mystique and makes the identity of the group stronger. The girls told me that people frequently ask them what their lyrics mean, or say to them that because of their songs they are learning Japanese."
Staying on the Bleeding Edge
Nippon: What do you see ahead for the group?
Marty Friedman: "I think they will continue to evolve. Their new album is brilliant. They are really doing the project in the fashion of a major heavy metal band. They don’t just bang out something and hope it’s popular. They have been working on the songs for years. Each track is a big project that involves a lot of people and it’s no accident that it comes out as a big, cohesive, solid album.
I wouldn’t change the formula now. They are working very hard being creative. There are a lot of things you have to create within each song, staging, dance number, and lyric. There are a lot of very bright people working very hard, and as long as they continue racking their brains they will be okay. Nothing happened by luck. It’s all been carefully considered and carried out. I’m very interested to see what they will do next."
Article & Interview by: Nippon.
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