Seems like one of Moa Kikuchi's dreams is slowly taking shape, Sakura Gakuin was featured on Alternative Press from United States. Using BABYMETAL as reference Alt.Press introduce Sakura Gakuin to overseas readers. Check the feature below!
Sakura Gakuin big feature on Alternative Press from United States!

Once Moa Kikuchi said that she wanted to make Sakura Gakuin more popular through BABYMETAL, that's why we still support Sakura Gakuin after their graduations, Suzuka Nakamoto in 2013 and Moa Kikuchi and Yui Mizuno in 2015. Check one of the most important features for Sakura Gakuin overseas on Alterinative Press with more than 1.000.000 followers in Social Networks!
Alternative Press Article:
Here’s the band Babymetal were in before they were Babymetal
Although Babymetal were probably always cute, they haven't always been guitar-wielding metal fiends.
Only a few years ago, Su-metal, Yuimetal and Moametal were in a J-pop group called Sakura Gakuin. The group, whose name translates to "Cherry Blossom Academy," is pretty unique.
Sakura Gakuin has, at any given time, 10 to 12 members between the ages of 10 and 15. The group is elementary to middle school themed, so when a member graduates from junior high, they leave the group and are replaced by a new younger member.
But that's not all: Sakura Gakuin has an annual ceremony in which the aged-out members of the group "graduate." The group then releases a video of the graduation along with their annual album.
The ladies of Babymetal—Suzuka Nakamoto, Yui Mizuno and Moa Kikuchi—are all Sakura Gakuin alumni.
You can check out the extremely peppy Sakura Gakuin music video, "Song For Smiling," featuring fingerpaint, school uniforms and sugar cookies, below. The song is from 2013, and looks straight out Playhouse Disney. But do we detect a hint of electric guitar in there?
Babymetal is performing at the 2016 APMAs with Rob Halford from Judas Priest! Make sure to buy your tickets and VOTE right here.
Article courtesy of: Alternative Press.
Make sure to learn more about Sakura Gakuin on our Biography Section, click here.
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