BABYMETAL was featured in San Francisco Chronicles newspaper in the section "Weekend Datebook" to promote BABYMETAL's performance at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco. Check the article and a picture of the print edition below.
BABYMETAL "Japanese bubblegum looks, with heavy metal sounds" Weekend Datebook

BABYMETAL was featured in the printed edition of the San Francisco Chronicles in the "Weekend Datebook" segment. Read the full article below and a picture of the printed issue.
"BABYMETAL, , a trio of schoolgirls with a serious heavy-metal fetish, is Japan’s hottest new export.
Made up of Moa “Moametal” Kikuchi, 16, Yui “Yuimetal” Mizuno, 16, and Suzuka “Sumetal” Nakamoto, 18, the group might have been created in the studio, but its success is real. The video for its single “Gimme Chocolate” has more than 55 million views on YouTube, and its self-titled debut was the best-selling Japanese album in America in 2014.
This month, the band performs with Judas Priest front man Rob Halford and warms up for Rammstein at the Download festival. Its latest album, “Metal Resistance,” meanwhile, presents the perfect cross section of shredding riffs and Harajuku gothic baby doll dresses."
Article by: San Francisco Chronicles.
Photo by: KPapa-Metal

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d flanagan (Friday, 15 July 2016 15:30)
i hope one of your cioncerts gets cloe to the mis southmemphis region as i live in ark. i so enjoy your music and losve know more about personal live ON ARK. LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PERSON LIVES OF BAND AND GIRLS.THANSK .