New Sakura Gakuin 2016 program on LoGiRL of TV Asahi featuring Marin Hidaka in the lead followed by Tsugumi, Momoko, and Mirena along with Mori-Sensei! Watch the full episode below
Sakura Gakuin on LoGiRL with Marin, Tsugumi, Momoko and Mirena!

Sakura Gakuin program #63 on LoGiRL.. This week the group is lead by Marin Hidaka, followed by Tsugumi Aritomo, Momoko Okazaki, Mirena Kurosawa and the always awesome Mori-Sensei! In this episode Sakura Gakuin is dedicated to quizzes lead by each member! Tsugumi's topic was dogs, Marin's topic was Studio Ghibli, Mirena's topic was the space, and Momoko's topic was animals.
This week no Ganbare segment because the quiz segment took longer than expected, and they weren't able to do anything else, but the entire show was enjoyable as always with so many quiz activity!
Please enjoy the full episode courtesy of our collaborator MissingReel.
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