The J-Pop and J-Rock group from Japan "Scott & Rivers" featuring Rivers Cuomo from Weezer and Scott Murphy from Allister were interviewed by Billboard Japan and Real Sound Japan to promote the new group. In both interviews they mentioned BABYMETAL, specially Rivers who wants to collaborate with them. Read a summary translated below.
Scott & Rivers wants to collaborate with BABYMETAL

Scott & Rivers is a collaborative project between Rivers Cuomo of the band Weezer and Scott Murphy of the band Allister. The were interviewed by Japanese Media and mentioned BABYMETAL in a couple of Interviews. This is the summary of both Interviews.
-Can you tell me some Japanese acts you are interested now?
Scott: "The Hiatus, Rock with very good melodies."
Rivers: "Which one is better? The Hiaturs or Ellegarden?"
Scott: "I like them both." (Laughs)
-How about you Rivers-san?
Rivers: "Heroin."
Scott: "That's Back Number?"
Rivers: "Yes." (Laughs). "Oh and BABYMETAL, Chat Monchy, Yuming, BoA, Perfume, they all have really good melodies. Catchy."
*Talking about popular artists in Japan.
-Do you have any favorite?
Rivers: "I have Sakanaction, Maximum The Hormone, and along with them BABYMETAL.."
Scott: "Recently, saw Monoeyes and Sakanaction at Fukuoka Fes "Number Shot". When I saw them for first time it was great. Including the dancing of a Geisha, it was a very eventful Japanese performance. The sound is a new melody somehow nostalgic. I think I never been into bands of the Japanese music scene until now."
Rivers: "Maximun The Hormone has an "awesome kick-ass powerful rock"! The fast changes of each section are interesting. And BABYMETAL the first time I saw them was at the Summer Sonic (August 20, 2016), extremely powerful! Interesting and scary! (Laughs). We earnestly cried together with the audience around (Laughs). I would like to collaborate with them someday."
Interviews by: Billboard Japan and Real Sound Japan.
Translation by: Maik Gianino.
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