BABYMETAL members Yui Mizuno and Moa Kikuchi were featured on Excite Japan about their TV commercial in 2012 with the Japanese baseball player Ichiro Suzuki who plays in the MLB of United States. The article features a summary of the commercial. We also added the commercial in case you never watched it! Enjoy!
Yui Mizuno & Moa Kikuchi commercial with Ichiro Suzuki is featured on Excite

BABYMETAL performed at Tokyo Dome on 19 and 20 on both days of this month (September). Tickets for both days were superb sold out, and moved about 110.000 people in total.
-BABYMETAL members co-starred with Ichiro
BABYMETAL is a unit that has been formed by three, Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal, once two of them Yuimetal and Moametal co-starred with Ichiro a commercial. The CM was published in 2012, It was for NTT Higashi Nihon "Light Debut Cheers". At that time each of them Yuimetal and Moametal, Yui Mizuno and Moa Kikuchi had been working as members of Sakura Gakuin.
-Ichiro showed off a great acting
The commercial was developed through a conversation by the two girls Yui Mizuno and Moa Kikuchi dressed as angels with Ichiro. About Ichiro, is aa person trying to start a new life "is a person of light", also those who want to start a new internet "the light is also in that person", the two angels are infernally pushing for that light. Because this light is what people want to start on the net to ease the "Flet's Optical Light", Moa Kikuchi (Moametal) dressed as angel in the commercial explains the appeal of "Flets Optical Light" to Ichiro. Then Ichiro received the description of the optical light "The thing is, the light is in you, the light is in you!", and was showed off a great performance, such as that you didn't think that he is a professional baseball player.
-Ichiro and BABYMETAL playing around the world
Ichiro in the commercial ended up looking good. Even if the people still remember this comic performance of Ichiro in the commercial, may not remember the two "angels" who appeared in the same commercial, are currently known to be members of the unit, which gained a high reputation in the world.
According to the lights following Ichiro in the MLB, BABYMETAL had become a hot topic in clubhouses as Ichiro in the Marlins. This is the success of both who co-starred along with Ichiro in the past.
Article by: Excite Japan.
Translation by: Hitoshi Sugioka.
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