October is here and is our anniversary month! We are about to celebrate our 2nd anniversary online on October 17 but we want to give you back all your love and support hosting different activities to celebrate closing with a very exclusive interview! In this first celebration event we are giving away a copy of "Metal Resistance, Visit To Japan Anniversary Edition" CD/DVD! Learn how to win and participate below!
Win a copy of "Metal Resistance Anniversary Edition", Newswire's 2nd Anniversary!

Welcome to our First Giveaway to celebrate our anniversary! Our 2nd Anniversary is on October 17, 2016 until then we are going to host some celebration events closing with a very exclusive interview to give you back all your love and support during these 2 years journey online sharing information about BABYMETAL, Kami Band and Sakura Gakuin!
The first celebration event will give you the chance to get a copy of the recently released "Metal Resistance, Visit To Japan Anniversary Edition" CD/DVD released on September 14 featuring the second studio album and Metrock 2015 performance in DVD!
How to win the CD/DVD?
6 Months ago was released worldwide "Metal Resistance" the second studio album of BABYMETAL, we would like to know after 6 months listening this album what is your favorite song and your Top3 songs of the album! We know it's hard to decide but it's just for fun in order to participate of our giveaway!
Rules to participate:
1-Fill the form below with your 3 Favorite songs of BABYMETAL's album "Metal Resistance".
2-Post in the comments section telling us what is your favorite song of "Metal Resistance" and why.
3-Link a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account in order to reach you in case you win!
Deadline: October 7, 2016 (Friday) at 23:59 Japanese Time.
Winner selection: Will be selected randomly.
Winner announcement: October 8, 2016 (Saturday) at 10:00 Japanese Time
*Don't forget add a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram address in the comments section (Website part) in order to reach you in case you win!
Road Of Resistance, 183 votes
KARATE, 183 votes
Syncopation, 143 votes
Winner of "Metal Resistance Anniversary Edition" announcement: October 8, 2016 (Saturday) at 10:00 Japanese Time
Thank you for join us, good luck to all! DEATH!
GIVEAWAY WINNER DECIDED! Congratulations to: Alba Cordero, comment #32!

Write a comment
Rick Wagner (Saturday, 01 October 2016 22:16)
Looks like this form was built using Radio buttons. This means you can only make one selection. There is no way to indicate your three favorite songs.
Wannarat Tanapanyaworakul (Saturday, 01 October 2016 22:23)
Thank you and congratulation on your second anniversary.
BMN (Saturday, 01 October 2016 23:03)
@Rick Wagner:
Thank you for telling us about the mistake. It's fixed already.
Ron Moore (Saturday, 01 October 2016 23:19)
My favorite is Awadama fever. Its fast and fun to sing along with even if you don't know Japanese. I love driving when it plays because it always makes me smile and makes my road rage from all the bad drivers subside!! LOL
FB: Teddy Monroe
Paul Jones Jr (Saturday, 01 October 2016 23:20)
Meta Taro is my favorite song because it reminds me of a funeral song for a fallen soldier. That makes me say thank you for serving.
Skull Heezay (Saturday, 01 October 2016 23:23)
My Favorite song of the album Metal Resistance is Road of Resistance. When I first listened it it doesn't convinced me that much. But when I searched for the lyrics and watched videos of BABYMETAL performed it live, it made me think that this is a song to follow your goals no matter how hard it is, always keep trying and continue to improve in whatever you like to do. And also, I think is a song, that in the live performance really shows the best of BABYMETAL, both the girls and the Kami Band. The dancing is very exciting, you can truly feel like they're going to a epic battle. And the music is so well done. The solos are awesome, with a very high level of complexity that ends to be a beautiful combination. And it's a very good song to do walls of death and circle pits. I love it.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IDontGiveA_X58
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skullheezay1
Alex Zagata (KitsuneOfWisdom) (Sunday, 02 October 2016 00:21)
Thanks for the opportunity. The One still remains my most favorite and cherished track since I heard it way back on a horrible December bootleg online! Lol. It is a song that speaks about so much more than the runtime allows, uniting, without prejudice, as equals, around the world. And with the world events and the cultural Armageddon happening around the globe, It is a unifying message that gives hope to outstretched arms around the globe who want it. Just talking about this song has given me friends from around the globe and I couldn't be more thankful. Love,Peace and Babymetal! \:/
Horatio Wong (Sunday, 02 October 2016 00:38)
My favourite song from Metal Resistance is Road of Resistance. It's the song that got me hooked on BABYMETAL. I had never really been a metal fan until I came across this song. I found myself hitting replay of the official video for this song at Saitama Super Arena over and over again. People go absolutely nuts over this song live! I can't think of a more fitting song to illustrate how far BABYMETAL have come. Road of Resistance is the embodiment of everything BABYMETAL.
Kyoshi Martinez (Sunday, 02 October 2016 00:40)
My absolute favorite is syncopation. I love the amazing energy this song has, it gets you excited and fired up and makes you wanna dance and fight alongside the girls. I always love listening to it when I work out because it gets me so pumped.
I feel like this song in particular really shows Su-metal's growth as a singer, her voice really carries all of her emotion and passion. It feels so epic and trascending, can't help but sing along, want to mosh, run, jump and dance all at the same time!
Cookie Mobers (Sunday, 02 October 2016 01:01)
Love the band! Have seen BM twice in the last 2 years. I work at a bookstore and I sell both cd's quite a bit. Barnes & Noble bookstores carries both BabyMetal CDs. I would love to carry the vinyl record, but that's not possible for us right now. I have the Budokan BR that I'm waiting to watch until January, as I am having a major surgery and will be in bed for about 4 weeks. I'm getting my stereo system for the TV so I can watch BabyMetal, Can't wait for the next tour. Thank you!
ragitya irfan (Sunday, 02 October 2016 01:30)
First , thank you for your dedications with this bmn it really helps me to update about bm . and thanks for doing this giveaway
I have 2 fav song in this album . road of resistance and the one.
Ror was the song that makes me become bm fan. I still remember when i first time watch it in youtube. The song just really boom. My first bm song was megitsune . but ror just epic . combination of speed guitar melody + blast beat drum + and su's voice really briliant concept. I hope koba will make something like this again with new formula in future
The one is like mass anthem for bm fans. This is one song that every fans can singalong trough the song in their live performance. The intro and outtro of this song is stick in my head .
Fb : ragitya irfan maulana
Asyraf Okumura (Sunday, 02 October 2016 02:04)
My favourite song from the metal resistance album is Amore. I was never a fan of it in the beginning but it touched my heart when i listen to it couple of times. My favourite part of the song is nijuu-yo jikan hashiri tsuzukeru. Hashiri tsuzukeru sadame.
Twitter: @AsyrafOkumura
Instagram: @light_blue_flames
André Lescano (Sunday, 02 October 2016 02:10)
My Favorite song of the album is Sis. Anger :)
BLACKPICKA-METAL (Sunday, 02 October 2016 02:36)
Meta Taroh! This is one of these great stand up and fight songs, we often loose and life is hell but stand up and beat your enemies! Never give up and go on, this great marching rhythm! Listen to your heart and to your friends,may be everybody can be Meta Taroh,one hero in the galaxy! Very catchy song with a nice performance of Babymetal live on Wembley or European Tour, but on Tokyo Dome, this never ending sing-a-long of the band and the audience ,yes, incredible, you can only raise your fist and sing: Meta Taroh! Outstanding!
The other 2 favorite songs are Sis.Anger-so powerful- and road of resistance-the ultimate wall of death!
Rich Goad (Sunday, 02 October 2016 03:28)
Yava. Because I saw it played for the first time live at Tokyo Dome and the whole trip to Japan was just an amazing experience. For me that upbeat, happy song will always remind me of such a great gig and journey.
Twitter @rich_goad
Chris (Sunday, 02 October 2016 03:42)
I love Syncopation! It was a fun hunt to get an import version of it here in the US, and the first time I heard it I knew it was my favorite on the album. The guitar lick in the intro hooked me on this song right away, and the drums are phenomenal throughout the whole song. It's fun, fast paced, riff heavy and so catchy! I'm trying to keep myself from looking up videos of it from Tokyo Dome so I can see it live for myself!
Thanks and congrats on 2 years!
IG: christophsays
Twitter: christophsays_
Chau M. Tran (Sunday, 02 October 2016 04:34)
My favorite song from 'Metal Resistance' is Road of Resistance., or more specifically the MV (live) version of it because I can truly see both Kami Band & the 3 girls' abilities. The song made me become a dedicated fan because it was overwhelming to see the breathtaking spectacle & the audience's response to the band. The guitar solos & drum parts are awesome and they contain so much energy. The lyrics are also motivating & Su-metal's voice delivered the feeling perfectly..
Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/chelia.norwood
Toth Adam (Sunday, 02 October 2016 05:48)
My favorite song is Road of Resistance. There are several reasons first this one make me a BABYMETAL fan, i heard them befor and listen the Gimme Chocolate!!, but somehow i didnt like it. That time my taste in music is changed. Then found the Road of Resistance on the YouTube. While i listening and watch the live first time in my life felt something like this. I felt i want be one of the audience. I decide i go at least one of thier live show. And give me the power to follow my dreams.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TAdam9508
Carlos Martínez (Sunday, 02 October 2016 06:41)
It's hard to choose my favourite song of Metal Resistance, but I'll choose Syncopation. It's a very catchy song and I really love its guitar melodies and fast drum rhythms. It's a very special song for me!
Matheus (Sunday, 02 October 2016 09:00)
Road of resistence is my favorite.. It was the first song i heard from then and I loved!
Martin Loomer (Sunday, 02 October 2016 09:33)
My favourite song is The One. It exemplifies the spirit of Babymetal, wanting to bring all the elements together -- performer and, audience, honouring the shared experience and everyone's role in it. The anthemic mood of the song is inspiring, and there are excellent musical moments in it as well. I love the moving chorus and always feel uplifted when I hear this song.
have been at fortarock (Sunday, 02 October 2016 09:36)
Vincent Van medenbach de rooij (Sunday, 02 October 2016 10:13)
Not doing this for myself, doing this for a friend of mine that deserves something special:P Syncopation is my favorite song just because of how fun the song sounds, and it reminds me of my friend :D
WKK_METAL (Sunday, 02 October 2016 10:52)
My choices are 1) SYNCOPATION 2) Road of Resistance 3) No Rain No Rainbow.
1) SYNCOPATION : Very traditional J-Metal J-Rock song!! For me as a Japanese Pop/Rock/Metal lover, this song must be the first choice.
2) Road of Resistance : Speed Metal , BABYMETAL + Dragonforce , why i wouldn't love this song?!
3) No Rain No Rainbow : ALSO, a must-have slow song for J-Metal , just like Endless Rain from X.
WKK-METAL (Sunday, 02 October 2016 10:53)
I missed the contact.
Maria Medina (Sunday, 02 October 2016 11:07)
My favorite song is No Rain, No Rianbow it has been my favorite song for almost 2 years now. Its my favorite because it has gotten me through hard times and in the future I will rely on it. Also because of Su-Metal's powerful voice and the emotion that she puts in the song it gets me emotional every time I hear it. Also its just an amazing song that no words can describe.
Juan Pablo (Sunday, 02 October 2016 11:27)
My favorite song right now is "Syncopation". I got the Japanese edition from CDjapan and been listening to it nonstop. From Dusk Till Dawn is also great and of course the whole album. is awesome. I actually got more into BM after listening to "Karate" as it kept appearing in my YouTube recommendations :).
Martin arredondo (Sunday, 02 October 2016 11:56)
My favorite song of the album is the Karate it's beautiful and a great song to listen to
IG: pikachumsa1992
Vikki Howe (Sunday, 02 October 2016 12:14)
My favourite is Tales of the Destinies. It's awesome! I also love Amore - Su-Metal's vocals are amazing, so powerful
iYuno (Sunday, 02 October 2016 13:05)
My favourite song ist RoR because of its power.
Byron Barrera (Sunday, 02 October 2016 13:09)
My favorite song on metal resistance is Amore because I love how strong and powerful Su-Metal voice is during her solo songs like akatsuki and no rain no rainbow and rondo of nightmare
Alba Cordero (Sunday, 02 October 2016 13:36)
** Metal Resistance favourite song **
Wow!! hard to decide haha but let's say Tales of the Destinies
It's a mix of everything!! It's funny, powerful, and really interesting. Both Kami Band and the girls do an amazing job in this song
And now, I hope to win this "lottery" hahaha
Here's my Twitter account, so you can reach me https://twitter.com/AlbaCordero1982
Gildean Costa (Sunday, 02 October 2016 13:51)
My favourite is No Rain No Rainbow because of the passionate Su-Metal's vocals in it and and its guitar solos are amazing.
Timmeh-metal (Sunday, 02 October 2016 13:53)
Road of Resistance stands out to this day as the epic opening track on what is overall a superb album...it ks difficult to pick a favorite, but the early release of tnis single forshadowed the album to come...and really layed to rest any doubts I may have had about the longevity of this band...a killer track that will see a 25th anniversary...for sure!!!
Sergio Redeagle (Sunday, 02 October 2016 13:55)
I love Syncopation since 1st time I heard it, It looks an anime song and It's super cool. The moment Suki Kirai Suki Kirai of Moa and Yui I'ts super cute, and Su's voice... omg, It's always powerful. The guitars, bass and drums are super cool too. And the lyrics can be remind easily. I coud talk too abou Road of Resistance, Dragonforce power It's noticed since 1st second jaja. And No Rain no Rainbow It's a perfect balad for the perfect voice of Queen Su.
Twitter: @SergioBlade (https://twitter.com/SergioBlade)
Good Luck to All.
CavZee (Sunday, 02 October 2016 13:56)
There's so many I could pick, but I'll just go ahead and say YAVA! I love the sound, the choreo, and the breakdown with Ohmura usually headbanging so hard. It all just comes together to put on the full display of audio-visual spectacle that BABYMETAL is capable of.
CavZee (Sunday, 02 October 2016 14:00)
There's so many songs I could pick, but I'll just go with YAVA! I love the sound, the choreography, and the breakdown that usually has Ohmura headbanging so hard! It all comes together to form the complete audio-visual spectacle that BABYMETAL is capable of.
Nearly forgot my twitter account: https://twitter.com/cavzstarburst
Gary D (Sunday, 02 October 2016 14:06)
I like Karate the best because if feel it is the most representative song of what Kawaii Metal is and the values BM represents. Also the MV is amazing. The guitar riffs are killer and Su's voice is amazing. It was a clear choice for the first single off the album.
Julian.S (Sunday, 02 October 2016 14:14)
My favorite song from Metal Resistence is Awadama Fever it's really fun and catchy to sing along to even though I don't understand it I still love it!
Scot-Metal (Sunday, 02 October 2016 14:40)
My favourite song from 'Metal Resistance' has to be 'Road of Resistance'
Its not just my favourite song from the album, but also my favourite song in general. I love the lyrics, which are about not only facing the uncharted path that lies ahead, but charging headfirst down that road as if you are charging into battle with intense fury. The song itself has multiple themes (which I could sit and write a whole essay about): facing the uncharted path, not giving up, not turning your back on reality, evoking the (metal) resistance that burns a fire in our hearts.
I love the choreography of the song too because it matches the theme so well. It's generally fucking superb, from the badass intro with the flags, the part where the song properly kicks in and the girls themselves charge into battle, to the epic finale where they raise their fists in the air to show their Resistance.
And let's not forget 'WOW WOW WOW WOW'
MipoMetal (Sunday, 02 October 2016 15:35)
It's really a hard challenge to pick just one favourite Song since they all are so great. But every time I listen to the album I'm waiting for "No rain no rainbow" to begin cause it touches something deep inside of me. So it seems this is my favourite song.
Twitter: @MipoMetal
Figo (Sunday, 02 October 2016 15:36)
My favorite song from Metal Resistance is Karate because it gives me energy and the meaning of the song is really good. The message telling to keep on fighting is a really good message.
jair rocha (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:08)
mi cancion favoruto es the one porque es para todo fan de babymetal nos uno atodos esta cancion
rocio de iglesias (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:10)
Me gusta mucho awadawa fever por la coreografia y porque es muy divertida. Y la voz de suzuka es impresionante y es mi favorita
Erik (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:10)
Akatsuki es mi canción favorita
Sergio Aranda (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:14)
My favoite song from Metal Resistance is From Dusk till Dawn because in order to keeping innovate their sound is unique for songs before. BTW congratulations for this two years, keep the good work
Joeru (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:15)
my favorite song is Road To Resistence, because every time I hear it gives me energy to go forward, not to give up, and to keep loving Japanese culture.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/joelsantistevan
Victor (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:17)
Is hard to select one favorite song between Road Of Resistance, Karate and THE ONE, I select Karate, because i feel that is a powerful song, with awesome lyrics and every instrument in this song is perfect, Suzuka's voice sounds excelent, the same goes to Yui and Moa, this song always make me goosebumps when i hear it. best metal song of 2016
Ali (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:23)
My favorite is No Rain No Rainbow because it´s... amazing, wonderful, geat and more!! It´s is inexplicable that I like <3
My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliyden.triga
Alexis Sopla Cubas (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:25)
Empece este gran viaje en enero de este año con Road of Resistance a través de un youtuber que sigo, fue la primera canción que escuche de ellas y la que mas llega a mi alma, lamento no haber podido conocer a esta que es mi actual banda favorita antes, aun así siento que es mejor tarde que nunca :)
I started this great journey in January this year with Road of Resistance through a youtuber that follow, it was the first song I heard of them and that more reaches my soul, I regret not being able to know this is my current band favorite before, I still feel it is better late than never :)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ShadowWalkerBM
Nathan T (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:27)
1st- Tales of destinies is brilliant and flows nicely into The One. 2nd- The One, it is just is so powerful and emotional, It makes me feel unified. 3rd- Awadama Fever, Its so fun and brilliant, i smile every time i listen to it. Hope i win.
My twitter : https://twitter.com/englishcreep
Julissa Vázquez (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:30)
My favorite song is KARATE, I really loved the meaning that they give it. The video was pretty interesting, I really enjoyed the choreography !!! <3
My English isn't very good, I hope that you understand me :c Greetings! :3
edgar reyes (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:35)
my favorite song is not no rainbow rain makes me a very nice song and SU puts a lot of feeling
Rodrigo ML (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:39)
My favorite song is "The one" because i think it has a great lyric for everything at any time, specially when you feel discouraged, with this song you dont feel discouraged anymore in fact it puts you in a happy mood.
-Sorry for bad english v´:
Carlos (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:45)
My favorite song is Java inspires me too much happiness. The song is great just like the choreography.
Sorry for my english xD
Twitter: https://.twitter.com/CarlosEduard_H
Rodrigo ML (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:45)
My favorite song is "The one" because i think it has a great lyric for everything at any time, specially when you feel discouraged, with this song you dont feel discouraged anymore in fact it puts you in a happy mood.
-Sorry for bad english v´:
Eduardo (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:46)
Sin lugar a dudas mi canción preferida es YAVA!
¡El estilo tan rápido, movido y agresivo me encanta! Además de que la coreografía en vivo es fenomenal y tan llena de energía.
Amo cuando corean "PIPOPAPOPIPOPAPOPI", y la parte de Nakamoto: La parte principal es muy buena, pegajosa y chida one plus chu icuals tri xDXDXD
Y... Es todo.
David (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:47)
Road of resistance is my favorite song because it can turn any bad day into a good one and make more and more of Babymetal fall in love and want to see them in concert.
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/Shinigami11Toshiro
Twitter :https://twitter.com/Darklospls
Christian (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:51)
My favorite song of Metal Resistance is Road Of Resistance because is a powerful song, with good melodies and speed. The guitar work is amazing and finally for the great message of the song.
Cesar Martinez Ojeda (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:56)
Esta no es mi canción favorita realmente, sino la que más escucho ahora, y por eso ahora la tomo como "favorita" para esta dinámica, yo no puedo realmente elegir sólo una, porque todas las canciones de BABYMETAL son especiales y tienen su gracia, aunque unas destaquen más que otras y es por eso que ahora quiero destacar de entre las mejores, según mi criterio, a "Syncopation".
Elijo esta canción porque tiene una combinación peculiar de las melodías J-Pop con la brutalidad del metal, es una canción muy diferente a lo que hemos escuchado de BABYMETAL. Al contrario de "Iine" (canción igualmente con mucha melodía J-Pop y Bubble), Syncopation mantiene esa intensidad de metal durante toda la canción, aunque parezca que lleve un ritmo más inclinado al Pop, además ese solo de sintetizadores con la batería es genial! (Deberían incluir a un God of Synthesizer en la alineación de la Kami Band xD).
La letra pegajosa (como siempre) las melodías serpenteantes de los sintetizadores, la batería salvaje y la voz de Su con ese color agresivo que le imprime a la canción, y los coros, la hacen muy disfrutable. :)
Christian (Sunday, 02 October 2016 16:59)
My favorite song of Metal Resistance is Road Of Resistance because is a powerful song, with good melodies and speed. The guitar work is amazing and finally for the great message of the song.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cristhian.rodriguezaquino
gerardo (Sunday, 02 October 2016 17:14)
Randi Guadalupe Garcia Flores (Sunday, 02 October 2016 17:14)
My favorite song is The one
Because is a himno that we are
This song reveals the true feelings of Fox God about unite world. Su metal
Is the one and messiah of metal but we all are the one. Together to save this universo, You can feel the fire of Fox God inside of you in this song
No one is loser. No one is winner
But all we are childrens of Fox God.
The true esence of Babymetal is this song
Like imagine is icon for jhon lennon
The one is icon forma Babymetal
See you....
With love
Sophie-Metal (Sunday, 02 October 2016 17:36)
It was really hard to decide on one song but I decided that my favorite song of the album "Metal Resistance" would be "Tales of the Destinies".
The first time I listened this song I thought it was a little weird becuse they where so many styles of music that really didn't like it that much, but when I listened to it more times I realized that it wasn't that bad and started loving it so much ♡
My favorite Su-metal's solo is Amore because its lyrics is so powerful and beautiful and it really makes my day when I'm a bad mood and my favorite BLACKBABYMETAL song is Sis. Anger because is so energetic and I started to love it since they first performed it in Switzerland
FB: Sofy Hernández
Uriel Soriano (Sunday, 02 October 2016 17:36)
My favorite song is tales of the destinies. I love the progressive metal, and this song is the perfect combination of babymetal, progressive and incredible guitars.
Brayan leon (Sunday, 02 October 2016 17:44)
Mi cancion favorita es syncopation por que me encanta el solo de guitarra es muy epico
Ethan D Touno (Sunday, 02 October 2016 18:06)
My favorite song is far Resistance Metal Syncopation, that song has something that makes me sing anywhere, I love the lyrics, the structure of the song and especially the guitar solo at the end of this song is great !!
I just love Syncopation, thank you very much for organizing this and happy 2nd anniversary .. Kitsune Up !!
jose luis (Sunday, 02 October 2016 18:20)
because it's a fun song and I love music and dancing
Vladi Nagato (Sunday, 02 October 2016 18:32)
My favorite is Meta Taro by mixing of de sound folk and the kawaii voices of Yui, Su and Moa, its a song that fills me with energy, It makes you feel as if you were to participate in a Viking war, Meta Taro being the leader..
Matt Henrik (Sunday, 02 October 2016 18:41)
I chose ROAD OF RESISTANCE. The first time I heard it I was like "Wow this sounds like Dragonforce! but with a girl and in japanese!!" Then I search for it and yeah, it was the guitar players of Dragoforce who recorded guitars on that song..
I just love the speed and the positive energy of the song, the melodies, Su's high notes, wow man!
Congratulations for the 2 years.... KITSUNE UP! BABYMETAL FOREVER!!!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KaiHenrik689 (Matt Henrik)
Melina-M (Sunday, 02 October 2016 18:43)
My favorate songs is Gj! 'Cuz this songs give me the force to do my work with a good faces :3.
Antonio Kawakami (Sunday, 02 October 2016 19:37)
My favorite song definitely is No Rain No Rainbow. I never listened a voice with lot and unbelievable felling... I cry with that song.
Renan Rodrigues Dantas (Sunday, 02 October 2016 19:42)
My favorite song in Metal Resistance is No Rain No Rainbow.
Because it's emotional, deep and beautiful.
Norem_Metal (Sunday, 02 October 2016 19:57)
First thank you for always post reports on Sakura Gakuin!
Yava! I love this music, why it full energia. I love that choreography!
Alan Briseño (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:05)
Road of Resistance is my favorite song from Metal Resistance and is my favorite song since a year ago.
I love power metal and from my is the BABYMETAL's hymn.
Is my antidepression tablet.
Im here because that song, the life for me is the road of resistance.
@ParuParu_CAS Twitter.
juan carlos monreal ramirez (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:06)
My favorite song is mainly karate speaking not to surrender and fight with the heart
Henrique Oliveira (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:26)
Well, we all know it's impossible to choose only one song from a masterpiece as Metal Resistance, but now that I have to choose I say Tales of the Destinies, quoting some random dude on the internet "it's like Dream Theater on drugs" they just proved with this song that they can make any sub genre of metal more kawaii!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmhunter777
Dayson Muna (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:27)
My favorite song from Metal Resistance is Syncopation because of how powerful and upbeat it is. It always reminds me of an anime intro haha and always gets me hyped up for the day!
Rosemarie Ramos (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:37)
My fovorite song Metal Resistance is Meta Taro and Road of Resistance.
Rosemarie Ramos (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:39)
My fovorite song Metal Resistance is Meta Taro and Road of Resistance
Vizcarra H. Isaac (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:40)
Mi canción favorita es あわだまフィーバー (Awadama Fever) porque un buen ritmo que no se puede sacar de la cabeza en todo el día .
Rosemarie Ramos (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:43)
My fovorite song Metal Resistance is Meta Taro and Road of Resistance
Alejandro Saucedo (Sunday, 02 October 2016 20:58)
My favourite song of Metal Resistance is "No Rain, No Rainbow". For me, is a ballad that combines the excellent voice of the queen with a beatiful melodie, emotional and calm in some parts, and very powerful and intense in others.
Fercho GdLegorreta (Sunday, 02 October 2016 21:09)
My favorite song is Road of Resistance because when i hear it i get exited much , it's the best song .
jatp2 (Sunday, 02 October 2016)
Gratz on your anivesary! My favorite song is defenitly synconpation! Is so epic! i can't stop linsten it :)
Javier (Sunday, 02 October 2016 21:13)
Wow already two years! Well, my favorite song is GJ! is always in my head!
Pedro Henrique (Sunday, 02 October 2016 21:22)
My favorite song is Road of Resistance, why is a song very strong and intense. I seriously love this song.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PedroHaikara
rodrigo (Sunday, 02 October 2016 21:41)
mis canciones favoritas son awadama fever , yava , GJ
Valente Rodriguez (Sunday, 02 October 2016 21:42)
My favorite song is Tales of the Destinies, because is a profesional song, in six minutes i could listened much progressive elements that i cant listen in other progressive bands, is wonderful
Valente Rodriguez (Sunday, 02 October 2016 21:45)
Mi tema favorito es Tales of the Destinies porque es una cancion profesional, porque solo en seis minutos pude oir demasiado contenido progresivo que no puedo escuchar en otras bandas del mismo genero, tanta destreza y habilidad para hacer una cancion de ese rango, cool \m/
Paty-Metal (Sunday, 02 October 2016 21:47)
For me, all songs of Metal Resistance are my favorite, but if I had to choose one it would AMORE, since it is a very powerful song, the voice of Suzuka is something that gets a lot in my both my heart and my life his voice so strong and powerful, it always helps me in the little problems in my life, I really helped that song overcome a strong point in my life these last 2 months, I am very moved by that song, really love.
Diana franco (Sunday, 02 October 2016 22:27)
My favorite song is karate i love
Luis Rivas (Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:34)
Mi cancion favorita es Karate
En si solo por su sonido pero en especial porque la cantan ellas
Raul Sanchez (Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:39)
My favorite song is Metal Resistance is Tales of the destinate. I love the progressive metal, and this song is the perfect combination of babymetal, progressive and incredible
FB https://www.facebook.com/raul.sanchez.3975012
twitter https://twitter.com/rulo002
Aaron (Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:43)
My favourite is No Rain No Rainbow. It wasn't at first but the more I listen to Metal Resistance the more I enjoy it. It isn't one of the more energetic songs which I typically like but Su-Metal really hits it out of the park with this one..
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/zorbane
Michael Ayala (Monday, 03 October 2016 01:16)
Favorite song it's a hard one love them all but has to be karate just gets me pumped every time the intro starts
Jesús Escalera (Monday, 03 October 2016 01:39)
My favorite song from Metal Resistance is Syncopation because sounds powerfull, the music is amazing and the way that Su-Metal sings is just awesome, from beggining to end, that song makes me shake my body, and makes me "hedoban" so hard. I love that song.
I leave my Facebook profile here: https://www.facebook.com/ujanfire
Thomas Hidayatullah (Monday, 03 October 2016 02:37)
My favorite song on the album Metal resistance is karate because the song is a favorite MOA-METAL, other than that I really liked the drum rhythm of the song, always make headbang when I heard it. very impressive! Happy newswire 2nd Anniversary!!!
Marisol (Monday, 03 October 2016 03:27)
My favorite song is Karate
Porque me llegó al alma, cuando vi el video, pasaba por un momento dificil para mi... Me hizo sentir que no estoy sola, junto a mis amigos podré luchar frente a cualquier obstaculo.. Sign of the fox lml
Shane-Metal (Monday, 03 October 2016 04:22)
Thank you for all the hard work in creating this incredible website, I enjoy it very much!
My favourite song on Metal Resistance is THE ONE, for many reasons.
This was the first song that I ever heard BABYMETAL play live. I travelled all the way from Australia to see them at Yokohama Arena December 12 2015. This was the first time this song was ever heard by anyone so it makes me feel a part of BABYMETAL history!
It was also the last song I heard BABYMETAL play live at Yokohama Arena December 13, where they shot the amazing film clip for it. Every time I hear this song or watch the film clip it takes me back to remember one of the greatest and happiest moments of my life!
Most importantly the lyrics “We are the One, You are the One, We are the One, Together, We’re the only One” makes me feel part of something much greater than myself. All of the millions of fans around the world, the Kami band, and of course those adorable girls: together we are all a part of something very special and unique. If ever you feel alone, remember there are many people just like you and “REMEMBER: WE ARE ON YOUR SIDE!” :)
Ernesto Corimanya (Monday, 03 October 2016 04:44)
My favorite song is No Rain No Rainbow., just i cry on listening that song.
Rosemarie Ramos (Monday, 03 October 2016)
My favorite song in Metal Resistance Karate and Road of Resistance.
Martin L.. Tobing (Monday, 03 October 2016 07:26)
My Favorite song is No Rain No Rainbow. I always love Su Metal's voice, and in this song I can enjoy her voice most
BAT-METAL: (Monday, 03 October 2016 08:13)
The one song on the album that ALWAYS works for me, and will always make me laugh and headbang and just puts me in the best mood is Awadama Fever. I mean, the song is riduculous! I absolutely love it. I know this is about the album, but this is also my favorite choreography. It's SO funny when they do thingj thing during the chorus, but then they have that awesome breakdown where they turn into the coolest rockstars!
I love this whole album. But, Awadama is 100% pure BABYMETAL..
BAT-METAL: (Monday, 03 October 2016 08:22)
Link a Facebook account :-( I get that that's an easy way to identify your user base, but I post on your blog because I'm boycotting Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as I strongly believe these three social media platforms have a net-negative influence on our society. Unlike BABYMETAL, which has a net positive influence on our society!
Thanks for maintaining this blog though.! Nice to see so many comments for once.. I wish people would post more here so I don't have to go to REDDIT..
BAT-META:L (Monday, 03 October 2016 08:25)
Hey Rick or site admin! Sorry for spamming you.. just wanted to say,, since you finally have a lot of commentors (yay!) can you not open up this thread for replies? 75 commentors! I need to meet them!
Daniel Nagao (Monday, 03 October 2016 10:46)
Una de mis canciones favoritas es the one por que siento que es una cancion dedicada a los fans.
One of my favorite songs is The One because i feel is dedicate to the fans.
fb account: www.facebook.com/nagaogonzalez
D.Ivan.E (Monday, 03 October 2016 10:56)
My fav is Sis.Anger cuz the combination of aggressive kawaii and heaviness is totally
addictive brutal
Kenji (Monday, 03 October 2016 12:00)
Its a hard choice, but if I had to pick its definitely got to be Yabaa! (Yava!) One of the first few songs that were played live, like 2 years ago, before the actual release on the new Metal Resistance album! It has always been a favorite since I first heard the live audio recording from one of their shows. The ska metal on this track along with the fun lyrics is an epic combination that represents what BABYMETAL is all about perfectly!
Anthar Agama (Monday, 03 October 2016 14:42)
my favorite song is "road of resistance" because it is very powerful in the introduction. It makes me go crazy and move the xD head.
my top 3 metal resistance is: 1. road of resistance, 2..- yaba!, 3.- gj!
Robert Elton (Monday, 03 October 2016 15:58)
I like Karate most killer guitar riff powerful singing from SU. Yava at first I didn't like but it grew on me. not for sure why just a very balanced song. Syncopation even though I only heard from fancam of Tokyo Dome show I really like should of been on US version.
Winnabago (Monday, 03 October 2016 16:57)
My favorite song is Road of Resistance because it is such a powerful and emotional song. Everything is perfect, from the instrumentals to the vocals.
Daniel Setim (Monday, 03 October 2016 17:43)
My favorite songs are Karate, Tales of The Destinies and Syncopation, because all is perfect. The Kami Band and Su, Moa and Yui are the most sincronized and amazing vocals ever!
Daniel Setim (Monday, 03 October 2016 17:46)
JORGE ESLAVA (Monday, 03 October 2016 19:42)
My favorite song of metal resistance is "Tales of the destinies" because is a mixture of sounds that make you feel what is Babymetal, is a beautiful song, is a great band. is BABYMETAL. <3.
twitter: https://twitter.com/chivo_loco85
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zeintkx
Claudia Beatriz Costa Ferreira (Monday, 03 October 2016 20:28)
The best song to me is Road of Resistance, i love the vocal, the instrumental and the awesome choreograph. Makes my heart beat fast!
Saúl O. Osorio (Monday, 03 October 2016 21:32)
My favorite song in Metal Resistance is definitely ''Amore''. The Su-metal's voice is powerful! and the lyrics beautiful, and the speed make it perfect.
wes mccourt (Monday, 03 October 2016 22:22)
Love the whole album but the first video I saw was road of resistance and it is my favorite. It has such a great beat, the Kami band tore it to shreds and the Girls just had so much passion in what they were singing.
Matheus Souza (Monday, 03 October 2016 22:56)
Road of resistence for sure! This song made me love these girls!!
Zahran Rahadian (Tuesday, 04 October 2016 00:15)
Amore is lovely song, I mean the meaning of Amore right??
Twitter : @ZahranRahadian
Erick Rodríguez (Tuesday, 04 October 2016 00:37)
Hi! First of all, choose only 1 song its not a easy test but you're making us to choose only 1 so... I would say that my favorite song from Metal Resistance is Tales of the Destinies because its a song that, to me, it represents exactly what Babymetal is, Unpredictable Awesome, that song its a rollercoaster of sounds and emotions, that takes you from one side to another in a sec! The riffs of the guitars, the drums, the bass, every single instrument, in this song, speaks from itself, just pure crazyness and chaos (in a good way of course) all over the places to finally end it up with a piano solo that gets you in the heart.... Just... Epic (How awesome would it be to see Su-chan playing that piano solo in the future?). Thats what Babymetal is to me, a rollercoaster of emotions that in the end gets you in the heart. I'm 26 years old man from Venezuela, a country that I know that Babymetal would never come, but I want all of you to know, if by some really weird lucky you get read this, that I REALLY! REALLY! want to thanks all of the team that Babymetal is for bring the spirit of metal music back to life. I have more than 20 years listening to this beautiful genre of music and you have given me back that spark and chills that I felt several years ago with my favorite bands.. These three little girls are pure talent and so beautiful Su-chan, Yui-chan and Moa-chan you have my respects and I can't wait to see what you're gonna do in the future, the Kamiband I think that I'll sum it up in 1 word... WOW! AMAZING! Ok ok those were 2 words but who cares they're really awesome! And of course to all of the producers and staff that make Babymetal real for all of us. I hope one day I find some way to see you live, but, for now, be sure that you have a HUGE fan of you right here in Venezuela.
Shane-Metal (Tuesday, 04 October 2016)
Forgot my facebook link! - https://www.facebook.com/shane.montague
Thank you for all the hard work in creating this incredible website, I enjoy it very much!
My favourite song on Metal Resistance is THE ONE, for many reasons.
This was the first song that I ever heard BABYMETAL play live. I travelled all the way from Australia to see them at Yokohama Arena December 12 2015. This was the first time this song was ever heard by anyone so it makes me feel a part of BABYMETAL history!
It was also the last song I heard BABYMETAL play live at Yokohama Arena December 13, where they shot the amazing film clip for it. Every time I hear this song or watch the film clip it takes me back to remember one of the greatest and happiest moments of my life!
Most importantly the lyrics “We are the One, You are the One, We are the One, Together, We’re the only One” makes me feel part of something much greater than myself. All of the millions of fans around the world, the Kami band, and of course those adorable girls: together we are all a part of something very special and unique. If ever you feel alone, remember there are many people just like you and “REMEMBER: WE ARE ON YOUR SIDE!” :)
Amir Tovar (Tuesday, 04 October 2016 06:07)
My fav isRoad of Resistance!
Its so intense that everytime i listen to it, it gives me the chills and i just want to join the mosh pit \m/
Erick Rodríguez (Tuesday, 04 October 2016 06:21)
Hi! First of all, choose only 1 song its not a easy test but you're making us to choose only 1 so... I would say that my favorite song from Metal Resistance is Tales of the Destinies because its a song that, to me, it represents exactly what Babymetal is, Unpredictable Awesome, that song its a rollercoaster of sounds and emotions, that takes you from one side to another in a sec! The riffs of the guitars, the drums, the bass, every single instrument, in this song, speaks from itself, just pure crazyness and chaos (in a good way of course) all over the places to finally end it up with a piano solo that gets you in the heart.... Just... Epic (How awesome would it be to see Su-chan playing that piano solo in the future?). Thats what Babymetal is to me, a rollercoaster of emotions that in the end gets you in the heart. I'm 26 years old man from Venezuela, a country that I know that Babymetal would never come, but I want all of you to know, if by some really weird lucky you get read this, that I REALLY! REALLY! want to thanks all of the team that Babymetal is for bring the spirit of metal music back to life. I have more than 20 years listening to this beautiful genre of music and you have given me back that spark and chills that I felt several years ago with my favorite bands.. These three little girls are pure talent and so beautiful Su-chan, Yui-chan and Moa-chan you have my respects and I can't wait to see what you're gonna do in the future, the Kamiband I think that I'll sum it up in 1 word... WOW! AMAZING! Ok ok those were 2 words but who cares they're really awesome! And of course to all of the producers and staff that make Babymetal real for all of us. I hope one day I find some way to see you live, but, for now, be sure that you have a HUGE fan of you right here in Venezuela.
Sorry forgot my account
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erick.rodriguezadames
Kitsune up!
Emmanuel Oting (Tuesday, 04 October 2016 08:35)
Karate.... The MV of this single is just so epic, can't help watching the MV over & over again...
trail of BABYMETAL DEATH (Tuesday, 04 October 2016 10:53)
Nice - Open for comments!
So great to see this site actually has readers... it gets lonely posting here!
Anybody going to be in Manchester to see BABYMETAL run Flea ragged? :-D
Cesar Villegas (Tuesday, 04 October 2016 17:29)
Mi favorite song of this album is Karate because it was the first song that i ve ever heard of babymetal. Thats how i was introduced to this group. Since than momment i have had the dream of going to one of their shows. And obviously i love those girls and susuka´s
rosemarie (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 00:41)
my favorite song is karate because is soo kawaii
Wellington Deodato (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 17:05)
My favorite song is The Tales of the Destinies because the technical part of the music is just awesome to someone who live the theorical part of music
twitter: https://twitter.com/s_nevermade
Mac Lord Pagcaliwangan (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 17:18)
My favorite song is Syncopation because the guitar and drums are just amazing and that i really enjoy listening to it while walking and when making projects.
Lee-Metal (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 17:21)
It's such a difficult decision to make, because I love them all, but I guess it would be easier to go with the one most meaningful for me. It would be Road of Resistance. That was the song that left me with my jaw dropped to the floor, and realizing for the second time (1st being the IDZ performance at Sonishphere 2014) just how legitimate/talented the girls and Kami Band truly were. It all hit me at once, because I was a new fan at the time of seeing it. Amazing song. It has it all, the speedy riffs, the mind bending solos, the power, the great melodies and Su's vocal strength. The dance choreography for it is also incredible and intense. Again, tough to pick 1 song, when you have others such as Syncopation, YAVA!, Karate and others.
Twitter page: https://twitter.com/RockNRoller2014
Rick Wagner (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 17:35)
My favorite song on Metal Resistance is No Rain, No Rainbow. It's been performed only a few times in concert, so it's great to have a studio version of this beautiful song.
Ron Pierce (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 18:14)
My favorite song is Sis. Anger. To me that song defines what the kawaii metal genre is; a mix of intense heavy music with kawaiiness.. I can feel the power of The Fox God whenever I listen to it! Thanks for reading and kitsune up!
Arturo (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 18:21)
My favourite song out of Metal Resistance is KARATE. The reason is that it combines lots of power and groove in the music with the cute-still-powerfull vocals. Furthermore, it is so catchy that becames an ear-worm to whoever listens to it. Su vocals are awesome along the entire song, and specially towards the end; best thing is that she can replicate the perfomance live! In short, I think this song mix successfully all the elements I like about BM: Power, melody, cuteness and impecable production, musicianship and sound (not to mention the choreography, which rules!).
Kitsune up!
Fede (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 18:36)
My fav song is Road of Resistance, seeing the power of the girls while performing this one live, is just amazing, when I saw the live video for the first time I just couldn't believe it.
ALVARO DURAN (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 18:52)
Oscar (Wednesday, 05 October 2016 18:56)
congratulations for the anniversary.....
My favorite song from metal resistence. is.....Syncopation.,
.because is a really strong song...
with so much energy,
just like Babymetal is....
Clarky Adrian (Thursday, 06 October 2016 01:46)
So yeah, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet... My Top 3 Metal Resistance songs would be the most hard-hitting ones (in my opinion): KARATE, YAVA!, and Syncopation. Don't get me wrong, I also like the other tracks a lot, but when you're like not in the mood for those complicated technical tracks and not in the mood for orchestral ballads, you just wanna stop thinking and just headbang like heck and those 3 mentioned tracks are the perfect ones for me.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seriously.clarkadrian
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkyadrian_
Michael Mayer (Thursday, 06 October 2016 06:43)
This is hard to choose but Awadama Fever might be up there as a favorite because it's very different in the reggae feel it gives off showing Babymetal doesn't stick to one sound. Keep pushing boundaries and kicking ass!
Rohit Kamath (Thursday, 06 October 2016 09:17)
My favorate BABYMETAL song on metal reistance is definately KARATE. I just love the instrumental of the song itself as well as the message it aims to send that even if you fall you need to brush away the tears and keep moving on. I also really love the music video and cant help but watch repeatedly. Im sure that atleast 500 views on it are from me..
I even went all the way from India to New York to watch them play at the playstation theatre on may the 4th.
Instagram- @roro122097
Andrew (Thursday, 06 October 2016 09:54)
I love all the songs but yava, tales of the destinies and the one are my favourites as the just make me feel really happy. i shed a happy tear when i first heard the one its so good.
Robin (Thursday, 06 October 2016 12:00)
Even though I'm not sure about my absolutely favourite, I think it could be ‘Amore’. Suzuka's vocals, the lyrics, the melody, the instrumentation, I like all of it. To be honest, I love the whole album so it's very difficult to give a deeper explanation.
Katherine Rosario vilchez meza (Thursday, 06 October 2016 14:52)
Mi canción favorita es GJ, es muy épica por eso la escucho todo el día!!! XD!! lml
Cuenta de Facebook
Guilherme (Thursday, 06 October 2016 21:20)
choose only 3 songs was very difficult, but one of these 3 was quite easy to choose. Karate is my favorida music from Metal Resistence. the melody itself is already fantastic, with the powerful vocals from Suu-Metal, and the screams from Yuimetal and Moametal, turns this song into a thing from another dimension for being so perfect. this song is the balance between the Western Metal and Japanese vocal, everything runs perfectly in a brilliant harmony. not to mention the lyrics of the song that is extremely positive, powerful and motivational (this song really helped me when I needed strength, that why I love Babymetal). Karate reminds me of Megitsune from the first album, especially the epic chorus, the screams from Moametal and Yuimetal and we can see a little bit of Japan's influence in both songs. I love all things in this music. HU3HU3 BR
FB: https://www.facebook.com/guima.gsp
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/guilherme_gsp/
Feli Pizarro (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:16)
My favorite song is without a doubt THE ONE (English version) Mainly because it was when they were playing this song at the Wembley Arena show that Moa and Yui looked and smiled at me as I was waving my flag like a maniac. Just remembering that moment brings me to tears :')
Diego (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:21)
My favorite song is Tales of the destinies, because is just insane. The most complex and so well thought track of the album.
Congratulations and keep the good work, I really appreciate it.
Twitter account: https://twitter.com/frodriguez_07
Diego Canizo (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:24)
My favourite song is GJ! because it stands on its own out of the rest of the songs. You have both Yui and Moa rapping at different pace in each part of the song. You also have this big drums being banged really hard. I never expected this kind of song in this album but in my opinion, it makes its on way in the album..
Hairul Rohani (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:24)
The 1st song that I heard from 'Metal Resistance' is 'Road of Resistance'. As a fan of metal, it totally hits home, it gives me goosebumps when I first listened to it and will always be my favorite track as it always sets me in a good positive mood..
Seishuku (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:27)
Although I love every single song on Metal Resistance deeply, I would have to pick "Awadama Fever" as one of my favorites. It's an excellent example of the band's fusion of cute lyrics with a metal theme, even surpassing the similar "Gimmie Chocolate!!" in my opinion. It's absolutely jam-packed with energy as well, especially when performed live! When I'm introducing others to BABYMETAL, this is one of my two "go to" songs (the other being "Catch Me If You Can"). ^__^
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeishukuKumori
Andrés (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:28)
All songs are amazing but my top3 is: 3. No Rain No Rainbow 2. Karate 1. Road of Resistance. https://www.facebook.com/Andres458
Logan (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:43)
(Twitter @logansrun22)
I'm so glad I got the Japanese edition of the album, because Syncopation is my favorite Babymetal song overall!
gate_xxvii (Thursday, 06 October 2016 22:51)
I chose the songs I shed tears when listening to
TorMetal (Thursday, 06 October 2016 23:08)
My favorite Babymetal song its Tales of the destinies... why? Because is THE SONG in Metal Resistance, that song its everything ( all that once was and all that will be).
Tales of the destinies is Babymetal in a song, at first you are like WTf is this and then you just love it and die of happines!
I love progressive metal and TOTD is the best experiment/demo/hybrid song that i ever hear, its the bohemian rhapsody of metal becase its very complex, the lyrics and the meaning its just beautiful and it shows you that a good and different sound + good lyrics and a great musical structure and desing it transform into something unique, different, original and crazy and thats for me BABYMETAL!!
And Sis. Anger its brutal AF i love it too.. =D
PS: Cuando regresen a México volvere a vender mi alma =D
Rainie (Thursday, 06 October 2016 23:30)
Sis.anger always in my mood whether i'm sad,happy or stress this song will make me relax and smile..never get bored to listen it everytime
Jeffrey (Thursday, 06 October 2016 23:45)
My favorite song off of Metal Resistance is Karate,. The powerful vocals by the girls and the thundering music from the Kami band are absolutely amazing.
FB: jeffrey.behrend
Agus (Thursday, 06 October 2016 23:57)
My favourite songs: Sis Anger (stay metal!); No Rain No Rainbow (so emotional Su's voice and solo guitar) ; Tales of The Destinies (I like progressive metal)
Twitter: https//twitter.com/gustrio
Andrian Eka Primavian D (Friday, 07 October 2016 00:04)
My top 3 "Metal Resistance" Song are Road of Resistance , KARATE and The One. But when someone ask which one is the best , I choose Road of Resistance as my number one "Metal Resistance" Song. Why? Listen to this song and hear Su's strong voice and also Yui- Moa's massive dance while performing this song on stage. It's really make me amazed and can't stop listening this song
Twitter : twitter.com/MbahJali
Facebook : facebook.com/IanEnixa
Instagram : @aepd_ian
Mauricio Godoy (Friday, 07 October 2016 00:26)
My favorite song is ROAD OF RESISTANCE because it is perfect combination of musical instruments with the voice of Su-Metal
Shauki (Friday, 07 October 2016 00:57)
If i win that cd, i'll be smiling non stop till the next album comes out. babymetalnewswire, you make me so0o happyy!! ^__^ :P
Raimundo (Friday, 07 October 2016 01:31)
My favorite song from "Metal Resistance" is "Road of Resistance"
because it's an amazing power metal anthem and the lyrics speak about confronting the life challenges bravely. I like that part: "Standing and shout... Justice forever", here in Chile, we need that kind of justice..
I love very much the dance moves of the Princesses too.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raimundo.barria
Twitter: @Rai_Barr
Willi Dozen (Friday, 07 October 2016 03:12)
My favorite song is "Road of Resistance", "Yava!", And "The One English Ver". I like the song because it can bring motivation to work everyday.
I think all three of the songs are very nice and quality and tasty to be heard by all people not to mention those who do not like heavymetal.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002415766964
Twitter: @WilliMetalID
Instagram: @WilliMetalID
PrinceMetal (Friday, 07 October 2016 03:41)
I really like the previous album of baby metal, but it doesn't mean I don't like their new album "Metal Resistance". So jump into the real topic my favorite songs of their album are " Karate, Meta Tarou and Road to Resistance ". I love the album and this is my top 3 favorite songs of Metal Resistance Album. Hope to win this contest.
Email: princeMD025@yahoo.com
fooMetal (Friday, 07 October 2016 04:08)
my favorite song is road of resistance. beside the lyrics i really enjoy the beat and, live is even better with the pits and all
twitter @fooposses
Mike the Bike (Friday, 07 October 2016 05:24)
I love RoR most because it is the heaviest of all songs, reminding me of classics like IDZ.
Miguel Angel Ingrel (Friday, 07 October 2016 06:28)
I love all BM songs but if I must take one for this... Tales of the destinies
Alan Leather (Friday, 07 October 2016 06:52)
Karate is my favourite song from Metal Resistance as it was the first Babymetal song i'd ever heard, when i read a translation of the song and understood the message it was trying to convey i loved it even more!
Jaju amaru shakur (Friday, 07 October 2016 07:48)
Off course - Road of resistance
This song is build to make the mass to make a mosh pit.
Such a briliant lyric and music, and dont forget about coreography that will make you head banging.
Beside that, i love awadama fever,
I love the drum rhytm,, hahhaha.. Its funny,, and the coreography is awesome.
And i love - tales of destinies
Makes me remember oldies metal song with variative instrument sound, and SUMETAL voice blended perfectly
MF (Friday, 07 October 2016 08:31)
Favorite song is "No Rain, no Rainbow" which showcases Nakamoto's remarkable vocal prowess, as well as the band's virtuosity.
Stephen (Friday, 07 October 2016 09:01)
Road of Resistance!
Why? Because of those drums! The song is crazy and embodies everything great with BM!
Claudia Beatriz (Mizuno Yumi) (Friday, 07 October 2016 09:45)
It was hard to pick just one song, knowing the all are amazing. But i realized Road of Resistance is my favorite song because i love all about it. I love the instrumental, the awesome vocal, and the electrifying choreography! My favorite metal song ever ♡