Barks Japan announced that the three BABYMETAL members are going to adopt Westone ES60 Ear Monitors. Since Tokyo Dome performances the trio started to use the new set of Ear Monitors. Meanwhile Kami Band members are using ES50. Read more details below.
BABYMETAL to perform with Westone ES60 Ear Monitors

Article from Barks Japan: BABYMETAL has been using for their performances the Ear Monitors Westone ES60, and now Su-Metal, Yuimetal and Moametal love their Ear Monitors. On September 19 and September 20 BABYMETAL World Tour 2016 Final "Legend Metal Resistance Red Night & Black Night" at Tokyo Dome BABYMETAL used their custom Ear Monitors ES60 and they play to keep using them.
These Ear Monitors, protect the ear from the explosion of the live, but also are indispensable in order to ear the sound from the music and vocals. Especially at large stages, due the distances sometimes is fatal for performers but using these Ear Monitors is possible to eliminate any lag time. In addition, ES60 has a flexible channel which is softened by body's temperature to fit in the ear's channel, not only is more confortable, is less possible to be displaced due sweat or fierce performance. ES60 is the favorite of a great number of artists in the world like Minoru Niihara in Japan also Pierre Nakano, CHARA, Anari, Teru and Takuro from Glay, and many more artists.
Article by: Barks Japan.
Note from Newswire: Kami Band members use Westone ES50, Su-Metal has been using ES60 during the whole World Tour 2016, meanwhile Yuimetal and Moametal used Fitear Ear Monitors. Yuimetal and Moametal first performance using Westone ES60 was at Tokyo Dome on September 19.
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