Sakura Gakuin 2012 Nendo Graduate Mariri Sugimoto was interviewed by LoGiRL. She talks about her experience on Sakura Gakuin, Actors School Hiroshima, Suzuka Nakamoto and also mentions Ooga Saki, Yunano Notsu and Rinon Isono. Read a summary translated with the questions about Suzuka and Sakura Gakuin below.
Graduate Mariri Sugimoto about Suzuka Nakamoto, Sakura Gakuin & ASH

Suzuka Nakamoto and Riho Sayashi era on ASH.
How old were you when you joined Sakura Gakuin?
Mariri: "At small 6. By that time I also did modeling for magazines, 'I wonder if is about time do to more activities', so decided to enter Sakura Gakuin. At this starting point, I became graduate from the ASH. After that, my parents with transfer hopes, moved to Tokyo just prior my graduation from elementary school. "
At that time in ASH, did you have fellow friends who came from Hiroshima?
"For a while Su-chan attended too. Su-chan is my Senpai, but I entered ASH before her. But, was as if Su-chan was alone in a different dimension, I felt like 'a star has come!'."
When continued with the lessons I found a specific goal.
"Looking at Suzuka Nakamoto chan, I thought 'I want to be like her'. At the beginning, I wanted to become a kind of person that stands out in ASH. But then since at that time when I got the solo on stage, I think I found my specific goal."

Sakura Gakuin is my hometown.
What kind of activities did you do at Sakura Gakuin era?
"Mainly live activities, was harder than I had imagined. Though was exhausting to attend from Hiroshima, there was everyday a lesson. But on stage standing in front the audience such fun would not be forgotten, I was wondering if didn't want to continue."
Who was in the same period as you in Sakura Gakuin?
"I entered in the same time as Ooga Saki and Yunano Notsu, I'm the same age with Ooga Saki and Rinon Isono."
I had been longing for Su-chan so much
What have impressed you from the Sakura Gakuin era?
"At the beginning I was happy to stand on the same stage as Su-chan. I had been longing for her so much. I'm glad I was closer with Su-chan. I also love BABYMETAL. Looking at the Juuonbu practices, I thought that Su-chan was amazing."
What do you think about she is being currently so active in the world?
"I think we became more distant than in the past. But, she gave me a "congratulations" through LINE on my birthday! That made my truly happy, I wonder if I can brag about this to many people (Laughs). I think little by little can also be close to Su-chan."
Interview & Photos by: LoGiRL
Translation by: Hitoshi Sugioka
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