On October 10 took place the DJ Special Edition Party of the music and entertainment site GekiRock featuring performances of many popular DJs from Japan including BABYMETAL's producer Yuyoyuppe as DJ Tekina/Something. Some of them played BABYMETAL songs and even a remix of Gimme Chocolate! Check more details and the songs placed below!
BABYMETAL Gimme Chocolate Remix played at GekiRock 16th Anniversary party

BABYMETAL producer of songs like "Megitsune" and "Akumu No Rondo" and many others Yuyoyuppe hosted the "GekiRock 2016" Anniversary DJ Party at Shibuya O-East on October 10 of the Japanese music and entertainment site GekiRock. The 16th Anniversary party featured special appearances like KenKen who recorded "Aogeba Toutoshi" for Sakura Gakuin 2014 Nendo!
Thanks to the recordings of some BABYMETAL fans it's known that some DJs played BABYMETAL songs like "BABYMETAL Death", "GJ!", "Doki Doki Morning" and a special performance of DJ Hachioji playing "Gimme Chocolate Remix".
Compilation of the songs performed at "GekiRock 2016" 16th Anniversary party:
01-Doki Doki Morning by DJ Gizmo
02-BABYMETAL Death by DJ Tekina/Something (Yuyoyuppe)
03-GJ! by DJ Tekina/Something (Yuyoyuppe)
04-Gimme Chocolate Remix by DJ Hichioji
Event: GekiRock 2016, 16th Anniversary Special DJ Party
Date: October 10, 2016
Host: Yuyoyuppe as DJ Tekina/Something
Venue: Tsutaya O-East
Special Guests: KenKen, Masaaki Yaguhi, EIGO, DJ Gizmo, DJ Hachioji, Ayumikurikamaki and many others!
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