Sakura Gakuin dedicates their time to traffic safety. Sakura Gakuin and Hello Kitty through Helmet Production announced a special collaboration to spread the word about helmet use and traffic rules. The first lesson "Bicycle & Helmet" safety was published! Check the lesson below!
First Sakura Gakuin Helmet use campaign lesson has been published!

Bicycle helmet use camapaing in collaboration with Hello Kitty and Helmet Production had the first lesson with Sakura Gakuin 2016 Nendo students accompanied by Mori-Sensei and specialist Mr. Maehara from the Tokyo Metropolitan Traffic Safety Department Headquarters. The first lesson is dedicated to the helmet wearing including a funny competition between students!
The campaign will be extended until March 31, 2017 to improve the promotion of Helmet use in Tokyo with Sakura Gakuin starring while they learn safety rules with funny activities! In addition Hello Kitty and Sakura Gakuin will release posters to be published in Schools and High Schools around Japan.
The importance of the first lesson "Bicycle & Helmet" is dedicated to helmet use showing accidents (not real accidents but dramatizations). Everytime a student makes a good answer or correct answer receives a "helmet sticker" in the competence, the Top 2 with more stickers will be nominated as best student in education in helmet use.
Watch the funny first lesson featuring many cute moments, funny moments and incredible reactions from the girls! Next lesson in early November!
For more information, check the following post.
Watch the second lesson: "Bicycle safety use", click here.
Watch the third lesson: "Awareness of bicycle helmets", click here.
Watch the fourth lesson: "Total review", click here
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