Another part of the Music Complex Magazine coverage on BABYMETAL is their interview with Moa Kikuchi, as Moametal she speaks about Tokyo Dome, the previous moments and nervousness and her impressions after the show. Performing "Onedari Daisakusen", Food at Festivals, Suzuka & Yui and more! Interview translated below.
Moametal interviewed on Music Complex Magazine Vol.07

Now that your 2 days at the Tokyo Dome are over, what are your thoughts, frankly speaking?
Moametal: "I really think we were able to perform live at the Tokyo Dome due to the efforts of all of the people involved with BABYMETAL. Being there was like a dream and I can only be happy about it. Although I was tired, I was on stage thinking, “I want to do this more and more!”"
When did you start preparing for the Tokyo Dome performances? How did you get yourself fired up for it at the time?
"We started preparing for the Tokyo Dome after the events in August wrapped up. That said, although I didn’t do anything in particular to prepare, my goal was to tighten up my mind and body for it."
Not only did you perform all your past songs on the first and second days, the stage was totally different to the live shows up until now. Did you feel any pressure or concern?
"Up to the day before the show, I didn’t feel any pressure at all. I just thought I would do everything the same as I always do and it would be fine. But on the day, 5 minutes before we went on stage, my heart started pounding and I was trembling. My fears piled up so much I felt like I was going to cry. While I was worrying about what would happen and was thinking, “What am I gonna do?” the show started. Of course, the Tokyo Dome really is a special place."
How did you feel when you first entered the venue?
“Whoa! It’s massive!!” just popped right out of my mouth. It was so vast and huge, DEATH!"
With such a gigantic stage, with walkways and having to move up and down, you had to move with perfect timing. How did the three of you, the band and the rest of the team prepare for this?
"I didn’t particularly feel like we had to “Get it together!” or say, “This is the Tokyo Dome!” This team has been together right from the start. We respect and trust each other, and know our personalities. There are firm bonds between us so I felt it would be fine."
When the show opened on the first day, on Red Night, and you emerged on top of that circular stage in front of an audience of 55,000 people, how did you feel?
"The moment I saw everyone I felt like my tears would overflow. I was so happy that so many people had come to the massive Tokyo Dome to see us."
The last song on the first day was “The One”. When you looked out into the stands and saw all those lights what emotions did you feel?
"All those white lights spreading out through the stands was so beautiful. It was magical. Those lights were like each and every person’s heart gently shining out there. I felt like I could just go on watching it."
What stays with you the most from Red Night?
"The lights during “The One” were really moving, but what I remember the most was the moment the show started and I saw everyone out there and I thought, “So many people came to see us! You’re all here!”"
At the end of the second day, Black Night, how did you feel when you were on the walkways calling out “We are!” “BABYMETAL!”?
"That the three of us are BABYMETAL. Without even one of us, it’s not BABYMETAL. The moment I shout, “We are BABYMETAL!” I’m filled with pride. The Kami Band, the staff, the fans who come to see us, everyone is Team BABYMETAL and I feel that really strongly. I want to give them all my thanks with everything I’ve got."
What stays with you the most from Black Night?
"Seeing the faces of everyone in the arena while we were doing the “We are!” “BABYMETAL” call and response at the end of the show. It’ll be a while before I can meet everyone again, and I want to etch that in my memory."

Over those two days you performed “GJ!”, “Song 4”, “Sis Anger” and “Onedari Daisakusen” as Black Babymetal. Any one of those songs is exciting and impressive enough to bring 55,000 people together. Which song’s performance left the biggest impression on you?
"It had been a while since we performed “Onedari Daisakusen” and among the fans a lot of them were maybe thinking, “We haven’t heard Onedari recently so bring it on!” We got a lot of cheers for that. And all the excitement coming from all directions during “Song 4” was so much fun."
What sort of things were you keeping in mind regarding your dance performance, or was there anything you paid particular attention to?
"I promised to give it everything I had and to have a mind to perform from my heart."
Earlier this year you said, “In 2016, the three of us want to push forward toward the goal of unity of spirit.” How do you think you have grown during your world tour?
"Although I personally don’t think I’ve changed very much, I’ve met many people, made an emotional connection to music, and expanded my horizons as a person. I’m still learning but I have a very strong belief in this music that only we can do, and the tour has been really good."
Looking back at the last six months since April, what stands out for you the most?
"Closing out our world tour at the Tokyo Dome, DEATH! So many artists want to perform at the Tokyo Dome just once. I was so surprised to be on stage there, DEATH!"
Once again, what are your thoughts about the starting point of this tour at Wembley Arena?
"When I heard that so many famous artists had performed there I was surprised and delighted. We would be the first Japanese act to perform there on our own, and I remember promising to buckle down and go for it!"
Soon after that, you appeared on American TV and toured some well-known American cities. What’s your impression of the U.S.?
"Because we appeared on TV, some people recognized us, asking, “Are you Babymetal?” I’m glad people are interested in BABYMETAL."
You performed with Rob Halford of Judas Priest at the AP Music Awards in July. What was that experience like?
"It was a miraculous surprise. We’d hardly just met Rob (not even a year) and we had the chance to perform with him, so we were really happy. We learned a lot about passion and attitude for music. Rob was really nice and he respects people. “The Metal God is amazing,” I thought."
Over the summer you performed at Fuji Rock, Rising Sun, Rock in Japan and Summer Sonic, the four biggest festivals in Japan. There was a lot of wild enthusiasm for all these festivals but what stands out for you?
"Well, I love eating, so of course I got really excited about the festival food! Headlining at Summer Sonic was a really great memory."
From your point of view, how has SU-METAL grown and changed?
"I’ve always thought her beautiful and clear singing voice was wonderful. Due to her experience and hard work I feel her range of expression has grown and her vocal brilliance has increased. Her English pronunciation is good because she has a good ear for it, and her English ability is gradually improving so that’s really exciting. Other than these things, she hasn’t changed, and I mean that in a good way."
And the same question about YUIMETAL, how has she grown and changed?
"She’s gotten taller and her face has gotten slender. I think she’s a really beautiful woman. In addition to her femininity, I feel there is a new expressiveness in her dancing."
The Tokyo Dome shows can be seen as the culmination of BABYMETAL. In the future, what goal do you want to strive for?
"I’ve come to the point where I think not having a “grand goal” is just how we roll as BABYMETAL. As opportunities arise, we’ll face each challenge our own way. I also realize there are so many people all around us. That’s why I want to work hard and keep on growing."
Interview by: PIA Music Complex Vol.07, get it here.
Translation by: Komebiz
Read: Su-Metal interviewed on PIA Music Complex Vol.07, read here.
Read: Yuimetal interviewed on PIA Music Complex Vol.07, read here.
Read: Kobametal intereviewed on PIA Music Complex Vol.07, read here.
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