BABYMETAL was featured once again on The List Magazine from Scotland, this time in their magazine issue 741. Similar content to the one published in October in their Website. The girls are interviewed to talk about their upcoming tour with Red Hot Chili Peppers. Check the content of the issue and interview below.
BABYMETAL talk about the FOX GOD, learning from Red Hot Chili Peppers on The List

BABYMETAL is now featured on The List Magazine issue 741. In October similar content was released in the scottish magazine's website. In November BABYMETAL is featured in the digital edition of the magazine. Check a summary transcribed of the content and an album with the digital content.
"We were brought together by the prophecy of the Fox God who is the God of Metal".
Henry Northmore gets to grips with Japanese pop / metal phenomenon, who are touring the UK with Red Hot Chili Peppers.
It could have been cheap novelty, but the music stayed true to the genre, reminding headbangers that metal can be fun. "I think it's not only Babymetal's sound but also the fact that we dance to metal that represents a new way of expressing this genre of music," explains Moametal."I guess the British audience accepted us for being refreshing and interesting."
To truly understand BABYMETAL you also need to understand the concept of Japanese idol bands. A quintessentially Japanese phenomenon, these are huge multimember manufactured pop acts – the nearest equivalent in the UK would be The Spice Girls or S Club 7, but on a much larger scale. The most successful, AKB48, currently hold the Guinness World Record for Largest Pop Group with over 130 members who perform nightly at their own theatre, with sales of over $200 million in their home country. They are sold as accessible, super sweet, cute (or 'kawaii') role models who usually sing upbeat pop, as well as modelling and acting across multiple platforms. However BABYMETAL broke the mould, adding grinding guitars and pounding blast beats to the formula.
Existing within their own mythological world, their history is a wonderful mix of fact and fiction. "The three of us were brought together by the prophecy of the Fox God who is the God of Metal," explains Yuimetal. "Our actions are preordained by the Fox God's prophecy."
"We have never met the Fox God in person but he assigns us inconceivable challenges, so he is crucial for the progress and growth of BABYMETAL," adds lead singer Su-Metal.
In reality all three singers were originally members of idol group Sakura Gakuin (which translates as 'Cherry Blossom Academy') and didn't even really know what metal was before being asked to form the band. They originally sang live over backing tracks, but as their popularity grew, executive producer and mastermind Kei 'Kobametal' Kobayashiassembled the Kami Band, who dress in white robes and corpse paint, adding extra heft and weight to their live shows.
Now BABYMETAL are making their Scottish debut supporting funk rock veterans The Red Hot Chili Peppers on their UK arena tour. "We were able to see their show for the first time at Fuji Rock Festival in the end of July in Japan this year,"adds Yuimetal. "Their music and live performance was so awesome!! I'm looking forward to learn[ing] a lot from them when touring with them."
The List Magazine issue 741 on Issu.
Read: BABYMETAL on The List digital edition, click here.
Special thanks to: Fukeitan.
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rolex replica (Thursday, 12 October 2017 22:06)