Airi Suzuki from C-ute is asked about BABYMETAL, Su-Metal and the performances at Tokyo Dome in September. She praised Su-Metal and BABYMETAL performances doing the Kitsune sign on Tower Revo interview with Tower Records President Ikuo Minewaki. Summary translated below.
Airi Suzuki from C-ute praises BABYMETAL & Su-Metal on Tower Revo

Airi Suzuki from the Idol group C-ute known as big fan of BABYMETAL, wrote a long blog entry about BABYMETAL's "Red Night" at Tokyo Dome in September (Read translation here), praising the girls, the Kami Band and the audience.
She also praised BABYMETAL in interview on Tower Revo "Idol Rokubo" hosted by Ichiumi Namba & Ikuo Minewaki President of Tower Records known as big fan of BABYMETAL and admirer of Moa Kikuchi.
Ikuo Minewaki praises Su-Metal -Summary starts-
"BABYMETAL's Su-chan is always at full throttle, you know, she can't control her level of power. Their dance teacher, Mikiko-Sensei said that in interview. She is probably that kind of person. Really amazing."
Airi Suzuki: "They don't even put an MC in their shows."
Saki Nakajima: "It seems that they have the ability to get into the audience."
Airi Suzuki: "Yes, like that power comes from her eyes. She is seriously awesome."
Ikuo Minewaki: "Did you attend to their show?"
Airi Suzuki: "Yes, I did. It was so awesome, wasn't it? The Tokyo Dome! The Dome! Even those guys with tattoes on their arms in front of me were completely shocked by their show. It was so cool, so amazing and world class!"
Ikuo Minewaki: "That was your first time to see them?"
Airi Suzuki: "Yes, the first. At the Dome was my first exposure to them. It was shocking."
Ikuo Minewaki: "About that, C-ute's leader (Yajima) resembles Su-Metal, what do you think?"
Airi Suzuki: "I don't know Su-Metal very much, so there is not much I can say about that. But our leader is quite strange, but she is straight forward and confident. She has a good balance between both things. That is the unique characteristic about Yajima."
--End of summary--
Interview by: Tower Revo
Summary translated by: Hitoshi Sugioka.
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