Ayaka Miyoshi in order to promote her recently released photobook called "Watashi" is doing a series of interviews with media. She held a talk at the Tokyo Keizai University during the "Hollyshock Festival". Amuse Mobile released a report of her talk, in the following post a summary with the only question related with Sakura Gakuin and BABYMETAL. Read below.
Sakura Gakuin Graduate Ayaka Miyoshi about Yui & Moa on Tokyo Keizai University

Please tell us an undisclosed episode about your Sakura Gakuin days, (possibly related to BABYMETAL)
Ayaka Miyoshi: "It's not really an undisclosed episode, but in Sakura Gakuin we were really on good terms. BABYMETAL's Yui chan had really a special affection for me, she always called me like 'Ayaka chan! Ayaka chan!' really she behaved like a cute little sister. On the other hand, Moa was the same with the first generation president of the student council Ayami Muto, she always called 'Ayami chan! Ayami chan!' I wanted to be their friend and I talked as much as possible with those two, but Moa was always like 'Ayami chan, today~' and she didn't even look at me (laughs)
Obviously we were all on good terms, but it seems each one had her favorite elder sister! The friendship among Sakura Gakuin members is known to the public, we didn't fight practically at all."
Full interview on: Amuse Mobile
Translation by: Gakushabaka.
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