CD Shop announced the Official Nominates for the 9th CD Shop Awards 2017. BABYMETAL's second Album "Metal Resistance" was nominated along with many other great Japanese albums released this year. As always all the nominations comes from All Japan CD Shop clerks, see details below.
#Update: Metal Resistance didn't make the last cut of the 9th CD Shop Awards

UPDATE: February 15, 2017.
CD Shop Awards announced the official winners of the 9th CD Shop Awards, BABYMETAL's second studio Album didn't make the cut for the Grand Prize.. "Metal Resistance" was primary nominated in July and officially nominated in December but didn't make the last cut for the Grand Prize in March 2017. CD Shop through Musicman Net and many other sites announced the winners as follows:
Alexandros - "EXIST!"
Aimer - "daydream"
Hikaru Utada - "Fantôme"
D.A.N. - "D.A.N."
Never young beach - "fam fam"
My Hair is Bad - "womans"
RADWIMPS - "Your name is".
The final announcement with the winner of the Grand Prize will be take place on March 13, 2017. BABYMETAL won this award in 2015 in the 7th CD Shop Awards thanks to their debut Album "BABYMETAL". (Read more below)
BABYMETAL's second studio Album "Metal Resistance" is part of the Official Nomination of the 9th CD Shop Awards 2017. The Albums selected were released between 2 segments of the year, BABYMETAL's Album "Metal Resistance" is included in the first segment, from January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 in a voting including All Japan CD Shop clerks.
On All Japan CD Shop clerks union website where published details and comments about each album.
BABYMETAL - Metal Resistance:
"Unique chemical reaction of wonderful "Idol + Metal" also this time. I feel like shines more with every performance! I wish their name resound now in the world!"
-Risa Hamaguchi of Yamano Music Tamaplaza.
The CD Shop Awards have been held since 2009. The Awards ceremony is held after the final voting to announce the winners in March of each year. In the 7th CD Shop Awards held in 2015 the winner was BABYMETAL with their debut album "BABYMETAL". Su-Metal attended to the event to receive the award, she also made a speech in name of the band and held a small press conference (See more here).
All CD Shop Clerks votings will be open in January, meanwhile the "Grand Prize" will be announced in March 2017.
Read: BABYMETAL interview on CD Shop Awards, click here.
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