New Sakura Gakuin episode on LoGiRL of TV Asahi featuring this week Momoe, Soyoka, Maaya and Students Council President Sara along with Mori-Sensei! Watch the full episode below!
Momoe, Soyoka, Maaya and Sara in the new Sakura Gakuin program on #LoGiRL

Another Sakura Gakuin program on LoGiRL, a new fun episode!
This week LoGiRL chairs are filled by Momoe Mori, Soyoka Yoshida, Maaya Asou and Students Council President Sara Kurashima. Mori-Sensei is back after a little break last week where Mirena Kurosawa took his place as MC and leader of the group.
In other news related with LoGiRL, Soyoka Yoshida has a new hairstyle! So cute!
Watch the new episode below courtesy this week of: Ih8kzqwj!
Remember you can watch previous episodes in our special section dedicated to LoGiRL including the first episodes and some with English Subtitles! Check the LoGiRL section in the following link, click here.
Write a comment
GODFATHER-METAL (Tuesday, 06 December 2016 11:05)
Ok I forgot where does M-R put the translation logs from LoGiRL chat room ?
BMN (Wednesday, 07 December 2016 06:31)
The translation logs are usually added not always. In that case click on [c].