Last Sakura Gakuin episode of 2016! This week appear on LoGiRL Yuzumi Shintani, Tsugumi Aritomo, Maaya Asou and Sara Kurashima along with Mori-Sense! Watch the full episode below.
Watch Sakura Gakuin in the last #LoGiRL episode of the year!

Last Sakura Gakuin episode of the year 2016! This week show their chams Yuzumi, Tsugumi, Maaya and Sara Kurashima along with Mori-Sensei! The girls open the last episode with Megane Monday introductions featuring a very funny appearace and introduction by Tsugumi Aritomo.
Then they move to the usual segments of this year, but they also share important news and information of their lives, and the last Ganbare! segment of 2016!
Sakura Gakuin will return to LoGiRL on January 9, 2017 after the holidays season.
But meanwhile if you want to watch their previous episodes in our LoGiRL section!
Watch here all the previous episodes!!
Watch the last episode thanks to MissingReel!
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