Sakura Gakuin Open Classes were featured on Gravure The Television website with a live report focused in both classes but mostly in the second the "Improvisation Open Class". Find the report translated and photos by below!
Sakura Gakuin "Sword Dancing" & "Improvisation" Open Classes live reports

The Idol Group Sakura Gakuin held "Open Class" events on January 21 and January 22 in Kanagawa at Hamagin Hall Via Mare. Sakura Gakuin "Open Class" is a project which brings experts of each genres as lectures as the students of Sakura Gakuin learn from their knowledge every time, it's done with irregularly.
On January 21, the first day was "Sword Dancing Open Class 2". With the guidance of Mamokuro Kamiya and Fumio Matsuki they learned "Sword Dancing". The first "Sword Dancing" lesson was held in 2013.
On January 22 was held "Improvisation Open Class". The comedy actors Ukiyama Iwasaki and Yasuke Makio taught the students of Sakura Gakuin about Theater Improvisation.
Megumi Okada (2nd Grade Middle School) attracted the attention during the Improvisation Class. She declared, "I will break my shell in this class". However, in the first part of Okada's appearance suddenly "Yuzumitsugumin" showed off a "comedy act" (combination of Tsugumi Aritomo and Yuzumi Shintani).
Yasuke Makio who mainly was in charge during the Improvisation class looked back at the first class: "Shintani, Asou and Okada's ideas are very rich, it's good how they put that together." Iwasaki also commented, "everyone showed me the spirit of improvisation, and are not afraid of failing when comes up."
Report by: Gravure The Television.
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Translation by: Maik Gianino.
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