Idol Lovers published an interesting article about BABYMETAL costumes but not only that, their changes through the different eras in their career from their beginnings in 2010/2011 to 2017. Check the article translated in the following blog post!
Idol Lovers report: BABYMETAL costume changes through different eras

Heavy Metal Idol who is active in the world! Check out BABYMETAL's costume changes until now!
Heavy Metal Idol BABYMETAL was formed with members from the Idol Group with students theme "Sakura Gakuin". The combination of different colours such as Idol and Heavy Metal became a topic. Gathering fans all over the world with Japanese Culture and Heavy Metal as the core. We will introduce their popular costumes and its changes through time and activities!
In 2011, BABYMETAL was formed with three members of the Idol group Sakura Gakuin, Su-Metal, Yuimetal, and Moametal. At first it was a sub-unit of Sakura Gakuin but later started to have independent activities as Idol Unit. The Heavy Metal atmosphere mixed with Idol and Japanese culture got the attention of the world. But also their costumes, gaining attention in the "Kawaii Culture". Let's see their costume changes from their debut in 2011 to present!
Costume from the Doki Doki Morning Era in 2011 -
Formed in Sakura Gakuin, their first Single was "Doki Doki Morning" distributed as DVD. The red x black contrasts are the main points. Since their debut BABYMETAL's costumes were unified by red and black.
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 22 de agosto de 2012
Thank you for watching 1 million viewers Doki Doki☆Morning!!
Costume from Head Bangya!! Era in 2011 -
BABYMETAL's 1st Single released as CD as Indie Lable was "Head Bangya!!". The costume features a corset because of too much headbanging? In addition to the red and black costumes, there wear soft and hearty skirts.
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 4 de agosto de 2012
Costume from Ijime, Dame, Zettai Era in 2013 -
"Ijime, Dame, Zettai" was released as 2nd Single in January 2013. There is a lot of people who first knew about BABYMETAL with this song. The motif of this costume is an armor, Su-Metal's upper body costume shows silver ornaments. Yuimetal and Moametal costumes are engaged with studs. They also wore retro costumes, social reform style.
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 19 de octubre de 2012
Costume from Megitsune Era in 2013 -
The 3rd Single was "Megitsune" to continuos the strong activity of BABYMETAL. The black blouse with red frills finished by two pannier skirts in red and black.In addition they wore two different kinds of kimono style costumes.
「メギツネ」がウィークリーチャート7位に!!前作から2作連続のTOP10入り!!応援ありがとうございます!!これからもナンバーワンよりオンリーワンな存在を目指して、BABYMETALはGoing my wayで突き進みます!!
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 26 de junio de 2013
Costume from Festivals apperances era in 2013 -
Their opportunities to participat in summer festivals increased for BABYMETAL in 2013- The armor style costumes was upgraded. Becoming a close fitting strapless top armor.
12月21日(土)幕張メッセ「LEGEND"1997" SU-METAL聖誕祭」グッズ販売情報DEATH!!ラバーキーホルダーが新登場!!SU-METAL、YUIMETAL、MOAMETAL、そしてBABYMETALの4種あります!!
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 19 de diciembre de 2013
Costume from Music Station Era in 2014 -
They changed their costume again in 2014. Armored silver shoulders with polkadots. Three levels leather skirts, very elaborated design.
Mステ初出演!!2/7(金)テレビ朝日「ミュージックステーション」出演決定DEATH!! お茶の間へむけて、いよいよ“メタルレジスタンス”の幕開けだ!!
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 31 de enero de 2014
Costumes from 2014 to 2015 Era -
The armored designs were gradually upgraded little by little. BABYMETAL's femine image was changed little by little as their sleeves.
Costume at the end of 2015 -
The close fitting design was changed, a new design for BABYMETAL appeared.
BABYMETALサマソニ@summer_sonic 降臨は15:40〜マウンテンステージDEATH!!暑いので体調に気をつけて盛り上がりましょう!!#サマソニ #summersonic #BABYMETAL
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 15 de agosto de 2015
BABYMETAL WORLD TOUR 2015 ツアーファイナル at 横浜アリーナ!!初日1212 ACT - Ⅰ 激アツかったDEATH!!明日、いよいよ最終公演!! #BABYMETAL
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 12 de diciembre de 2015
Costume of 2016 Era -
BABYMETAL released their second album "Metal Resistance" while doing their World Tour. The costume changed from red to a dark image mainly black. The three wore different costume designs.
Thank you NYC! So excited! Today's SOLD OUT show @HOBBoston starts at 8:30PM! #BABYMETAL #Boston #BMWT2016
— BABYMETAL (@BABYMETAL_JAPAN) 5 de mayo de 2016
In 2017, BABYMETAL costumes are popular!
BABYMETAL costumes went through many transitions in 6 years since their debut. Clothing exhibitions have been held, not only their songs, and girls also their costumes are popular.
Article by: Idol Lovers.
Translation: Hitoshi Sugioka.
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FanActuel (Monday, 10 July 2017 14:57)
Thank you for translating this blog article! It's a well documented recap of their costumes. I became a fan less than 2 years ago so I don't know a lot about the early years. I'm very thankful for all the work you're doing at BM Newswire to help that fans who can't speak Japanese.
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