Idol Lovers article focused on new BABYMETAL fans. The post is focused on information and details to help casual fans and regular listeners to attend to a BABYMETAL live. From clothing to behavior and activities Idol Lovers wrote a begineers guide to attend to a BABYMETAL live. Article translated below.
Begineers guide to attend to BABYMETAL lives by Idol Lovers

Three girls unit BABYMETAL has been highly appreciated not only in Japan but also overseas, attracting many fans. In contrast to their cute appearance, their live shows are overwhilming performances. This time, we are going to feature the excitement of their lives and recommendable clothing to attend to BABYMETAL live. Easy for beginners to understand it, we will keep track of the parts you need to remember at their lives.
What is common at BABYMETAL lives? -
BABYMETAL's musicality is based in Heavy Metal. Rather than chilling at your seats, they have all their fans raising their fists and raising their voices the best they can. Some of their live venues are all standing.
In this case, what happens often is the "mosh". As its result fans get excited and also dance crazy, where dozens of people, maybe a lot of hundres in their audience gets frightened. The probabilities of this to happen in spaces close to the stage are high.
If you are fan of that, you will be obsessed with BABYMETAL live events. While lives, everybody is packed tightly opressed by somebody else. Everything depends of each person, but maybe you could feel sick or injured, so be careful!
The Circle Mosh, running around and around -
There is also something called "Circle Mosh". It happens when fans are running in circles around. This is likely to occur in outdooro events, which are easier to take space.
In BABYMETAL lives it happens in songs like "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" and "Catch Me If You Can." That part is avoided by big part of the audience but sometimes the momentum would carry more fans, so be careful!
"Crowd Surfing", often prohibited -
This style called "Crowd Surfing" shows one who jumps into audience to reach near the stage, but in recent years tends to more dangerous. Actually many accidents in tue audiece during lives have occurred, this is why sometimes is often prohibited and tends to be dangerous.
If you are going to your first BABYMETAL live, your strenght is very important! And it would be better to have enough at certain degree for a good mosh condition.
On BABYMETAL lives you should enjoy the call & response -
— HARUメタル (@harumetal69) May 5, 2016
ニューヨーク不思議な雰囲気#BABYMETAL #playstationtheater
BABYMETAL usually on their lives make Call & Response. They have been doing it not only in Japan but also at overseas lives. It's common in songs as "Head Bangya", "Iine" and "Gimme Chocolate". But not only calls & responses but also chorus and clappings are part of the many features of BABYMETAL lives. For example, "Kinkirariiiiinnnnn !!!!" on "Uki Uki Morning or "Woow woow" on "Road Of Resistance", etc.
There are so many things that may be difficult to master all together from the beginning. But if you listen to the songs carefully you should be able to look forward to the lives and enjoy them!
It's also a good idea to join the crowd with Fox signs while getting excited by each song.
— すぎ (@sugi69) August 23, 2016
ライブ中はONE Tかな。
To close the live, "We are BABYMETAL!!" -
The most common thing on BABYMETAL lives is the famous call & response "We are BABYMETAL!!" where members close the show. This is a tribute to "We are X!!" of the Visual Rock Band X JAPAN from Japan.
Even if is your first time at lives, at the end pleas shout loudly "BABYMETAL!!"
What is the recommended clothing for BABYMETAL lives? - Here is a summary of the recommended clothes.
Lightness is important: At BABYMETAL lives try to wear light clothing as T-shirts and Jeans. Not to mention that BABYMETAL T-shirts are a must, but in any case Metal bands T-shirts are also recommended.
For women, it may be better to avoid skirts. And if it's in a cold season better leave your jacket or cloak in a locker room.
Sneakers are the best for your feet: Except when there are seats in the hall, at BABYMETAL lives there is mosh. Sneakers are light and easy to move and is the best. Not only you will be confortable, but also you can avoid the risk of injuring other fans.
If you use shoelace tie, is better to tie short or push it inward to prevent unwinding and stepping out.
Enjoy BABYMETAL's live! -
BABYMETAL's live is excitement. They are now recognized worldwide. If is your first time pleas fully enjoy BABYMETAL's charm while checking out the points we introduced.
Article by: Idol Lovers.
Translation by: Hitoshi Sugioka.
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