Sakura Gakuin Nendo 2015 Third Graders Rinon Isono, Ooga Saki and Shirai Saki were interviewed on Tokyo FM's program "DI:GA Motegi Broadcast" to talk about their upcoming Gradation event in March and their favorite memories as Sakura Gakuin members, read an excerpt of the interview and listen the full program.
The girls talk about "Song For Smiling", "Chime" and Tsutaya O-East 2015

Sakura Gakuin Third Graders Students Council President Rinon Isono, Ooga Saki and Shirai Saki were interviewed on Tokyo FM "DI:GA Motegi Broadcasting". The girls talked about the "The Road To Graduation 2015 Final, Sakura Gakuin Graduatoin 2015" event to take place on March 27 at Kanagawa Prefectural Hall and their favorite memories as Sakura Gakuin members.
Ooga Saki's favorite memory is her first Music Video in Sakura Gakuin:
"The first music video shoot, 'Song For Smiling'" said Ooga, and her interaction with Nendo 2014 Graduate and BABYMETAL member Moa Kikuchi in the recording session.
In case of Rinon, when she sang "Chime" for the first time and was told "Sing to the microphone" because she wasn't used to sing with microphones and didn't know the basics.
In case of Shirai Saki, her favorite memory as Sakura Gakuin member was the performance on September 27 of 2015 (Report here) where her birthday was celebrate and she was the producer "After School Number Magic" and "Shirai Saki, charmed as representative of the Fukei-San" at Tsutaya O-East. When she was between the audience and the stage an the rest of the members sang and performed for her, that was her most favorite moment and will remain in her memories.
Listen the full interview below! Audio by Tokyo FM.
Report by: Hitoshi Sugioka.
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