Sakura Gakuin released it's 6th Studio Album on March 3 to support Nendo 2015 and celebrate the upcoming graduation of Rinon Isono, Ooga Saki and Shirai Saki. "Kirameki No Kakera" features a special tracklist with several re-issued songs mixed with new songs. In the following post, a fan review by Newswire members. Please share your thoughts in the comments section!
Newswire reviews the new Sakura Gakuin album "Kirameki No Kakera"

Maik Gianino, Newswire's Editor. From Montevideo, Uruguay.
This is my second Fan Review of a Sakura Gakuin album, my previous review was "Kimi Ni Todoke" (read here). The expectations compared with last year's release were completely different since last Nendo Moa and Yui graduated and we all were waiting for a very emotional album. This year, without any BABYMETAL members in the group, somehow enjoyed more the making process as Sakura Gakuin Fukei only.
I'm not 100% happy about having so many songs re-released in a 2015 version. Aside "Mezase" which is released every year since Nendo 2013 the other songs are very well done and my favorite is "Yume ni Mukatte". On "Mezase Super Lady 2015" i think the song itself sounds as always very fun and cheerful, should be the opening song of the album though. But sadly from my point of view the song has a little lack of energy compared with the previous versions and the lyrics sang sound a bit forced sometimes, a bit out of tempo. Still, love the song because is one of my favorite songs.
Then, "Mathematica!". Sounds really good, the melody is super catchy, i love the electronic elements in the intro. It's a really good song and i'm glad that was released as Single to introduce fans one of the new songs from "Kirameki No Kakera". After that, starts the sub-units part of the album. The highlight to me is "Mini Patissier" song "Jakapara Goo Goo Omuraisu". The third generation already completed my expectations, the song sounds awesome, the intro is excellent. I love this song. About the others, the original versions are better in all terms mostly musically. About "Piece de Check 2015", i think the new version let's Shirasaki to shine and take the lead accompanied by Soyoka with a very good performance.

The Graduation song for Rinon, Ooga and Shirai was surprising for me. I was expecting something more catchy, with energy, but in place the song has a very sad melody and i think they failed here because we are talking about 3 of the most strongest members of all time. Rinon is strong, she likes to be strong and serious and she usually doesn't like to show if she is sad or upset. Ooga is cheerful, talkative, full of energy while Shirai is the true Fukei and she always loves to show her special charm and being positive. I was expecting something more "Yes! We will graduate and we are happy to show you how much we enjoyed Sakura Gakuin!" in place of "Oh, goodbye, sadly we are leaving. We won't but we have to." Hope you understand me idea.
The last two songs are the best of the album. Sadly only a few songs were created for this album. "Yakusoku No Mirai" has a very interesting melody and shows the style of the old Sakura Gakuin while "Kirameki No Kakera" is basically a summary of what Sakura Gakuin did during all this years, it's to me without a doubt the best song. The song itself shines in this album which is not that energetic and charistmatic as Sakura Gakuin used to show us every March.
At the end of the day, the album is very enjoyable with awesome highgliths starting on "Mathematica!" followed by "Minipati" participation, and with the best song of the album "Kirameki No Kakera".
On a side note, I'm happy that BABYMETAL fans are still supporting Sakura Gakuin, and hope they keep doing it! Newswire will keep supporting Sakura Gakuin everyday! Have an awesome graduation event Rinon Isono, Ooga Saki and Shirai Saki we all love you very much, specially Ooga who was my favorite after Suzuka's and Nene's Graduations. And wish Sara Kurashima the best experience as Students Council President!
Hitoshi Sugioka, Newswire's collaborator and translator. From Tokyo, Japan.
It's difficult to explain what i feel about "Kirameki No Kakera". Firstly, is my first release as official Fukei. I was fan before but no openly. I consider this release as the first release since Hitoshi is official Fukei. And secondly because my expectations and my feelings crashed when listened the album. I was very confusing when the list of songs was announced and noticed that just a few songs were composed for the album and the rest were re-recordings. But i like the re-records after all, i will explain.
So, i'm going to summarize in two groups. "Re-Recorded Songs" and "New Songs".
The Re-Recorded songs: I think are very good, it's necessary to be empasized that Sakura Gakuin this year doesn't have a lead singer. Ooga is the best singer of the group but she is very far from previous voices like Moa, Raura, Ayami or Suzuka (i think she was the best Sakura Gakuin singer). She sings good and is the best in the group but she didn't have the minutes she deserved to show her vocal level, i think. In the other hand the group did a great effort singing. It's also a good idea having re-recorded songs since songs like "Chime" need new voices in order to stay actual and refresh fans memories.
The New Songs: Was a very good surprise "Kirameki No Kakera". I feel this is the song with the real spirit of Sakura Gakuin, rock vibes, energy, sentiments and Sakura Gakuin charm. "Yakusaku No Mirai" also sounds very good and is the best song after "Kirameki No Kakera" but from my taste in music "Kirameki No Kakera" represents Sakura Gakuin, the new Sakura Gakuin. The Graduation song "Michishirube" is very emotional unless the girls to gradaute selected this song, i was expectiong something more vivid sonically.
In a very short summary. The album completed my expectations and i feel very glad that this group put all their efforts to make the best album as possible. I hope next year they release more new songs, this is hope mixed with critics, but positive. I hope to see Ooga joining Ura Erika's project after Graduation, i see they are having a great friendship. Ooga deserve to practice her voice, she will be a super lady and very good singer soon if someone support her as singer in the future. Advice from this humble supporter!
Be happy in your Graduation Rinon-san, Ooga-San and C-Chan. You will be missed by this new Fukei.
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